Chapter 21:

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WHEN I WOKE up the next morning, I was really confused... more so than normal. 'I am a girl, right?' I asked myself. 'That's definitely a yes!' I replied silently.

'So, is it wrong to like boys?'

'...girls are supposed to like boys... and if I'm a girl I guess that means I am supposed to like boys.'

I talked back and forth to myself the whole morning as I got ready. When Amy got there, she gave me kind of a weird look. "Are you alright?" she asked me quietly in the back seat.

"Yeah... I just had a weird dream last night," I told her.

She raised her eyebrow and looked suddenly interested. I shook my head and mouthed, 'later,' to her. I don't think she wanted to wait, but she did behave and not ask anything more. Before long we were at the school and Melanie told us, "Have a good day, girls," as we opened our doors and got out. I hadn't taken my saxophone home last night after jazz, it was pointless, and so we just started walking towards our normal spot waiting for the bell to ring.

"So, what was this dream about?" Amy asked impatiently.

I looked around, "You can't tell anyone about this!" I told her.

"I promise," she said.

I believed her so I started, "Well... umm... I had a dream about Kyle last night..."

Her eyes lit up, "Really? What happened!?!" She asked far louder than I cared for. Thankfully we were still standing away from everyone.

"Well, we ended up going to a movie together..." she motioned for me to go on, "and well we ended up holding hands..."

"That's not all is it?" she asked with disappointment.

"Well, no..."

"Did you make out?" She asked.

I just blushed.

"Wow, what a great dream Tiffany!"

"I guess... but isn't it a little strange?"

"Tiff, you're a girl, you're supposed to dream about cute guys!" She saw something in my face, "You're not worried about this are you?"

"Sort of... but not really... I think it just surprised me more than anything else."

"Well, what would you think if it actually happened?" She asked me. But I saw Lindsey and Ashley coming toward us and made a big show of waving at them hoping to give Amy a hint. Being the great friend she was, she changed the subject immediately. As we all talked and waited for the bell to ring, I realized how cold it felt outside again today.

"It would be nice if they would let us wait inside, huh?" I jumped! Kyle was standing right behind me!

"Oh, hi Kyle," I said once I recovered my voice.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Kyle told me.

"It's okay Kyle, I was just a bit startled."

"So, how are you?" He asked me.

"I'm doing good... uh, how about yourself," I answered. I was afraid I was blushing – there was no way he could know about my dream, but in that moment, I was terrified that somehow there was something written on my face about it.

"Better if it was warmer," he said. "By the way nice job last night, you sounded really cool with your solo!"

I did blush now, "Thanks, I think you did better though."

All of us talked back and forth in our circle for the next few minutes until the bell rang. On the way to my first hour class with Amy and Kyle I heard someone walk by me and say, "Freak!"

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