Chapter 4 (edited)

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3rd POV:

"I'll take..." everything was silent, the silver and orange head wanted to be chosen, but the other boy just wanted to be free," him!" Bakugo yelled pointing at Deku making him violently growl again hoping to get him to change his mind only to be zapped painfully making him yelp.

Shigaraki dragged Deku to their car, got him in the van and took off the arm, leg and neck chain leaving the muzzle, gloves and collar still on him.

Kirishima entered the car to explain the situation to Sero as Bakugo paid.

Izuku however, knew he would be back soon, no one wanted him, he was just a useless omega after all. He told himself he didn't care what others thought because he was going to be free one day but words hurt.

On the other side of the door, Bakugo was beginning to get angrier by the second from the little he was told about Deku. He was told they call him Deku because no one keeps him for more than a month, and they don't know his actual name. That he was the worst to deal with and the only omega not trained cause they couldn't. He was 19, a year younger than Bakugo himself.

He paid the 50 for him which was 10x less than the other five. Next thing he knew he was handed a leash and a remote that had 3 buttons, a zap, shock and suppressants. Leaving the blue head proud and the Mafia leader tense, the suppressants can block animal features which are unhealthy and also block their heats. Blocking an omegas' heat is like storing period after period in the body, it would be killer to have a heat again and it could cause death either way. "That's the remote for his collar, it's been helping keep him more in his place."

"You sick bastard!" Bakugo yelled, stomping to the van. When he opened the door he saw 'Deku' in the corner behind the passenger seat, curled in a ball, his head resting on his knees as he growled lowly. Bakugo sighed and sat behind the driver seat, a few feet away from 'Deku'


                            Words: 366

I know these are short but hey I hope you like them. I honestly don't think anyone is gonna read this.

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