Chapter 19 (edited)

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3rd POV:

"Eevee..." He said before speaking up again.  "I'm done." He said while pushing the plate away from himself.

"You've barely eaten!" Bakugo yelled worriedly.

"Well you try being almost starved to death for 5 years then eat a whole meal! Huh!" Deku said fiercely but his ears were tightly against his head showing his true emotions.

"Why don't we get you in different clothes and give Bakugou some time to look at that file?" Todoroki said, trying to calm the two down, a little.

"I've known you for less than 10 minutes. I'm not going anywhere with you, unless we are going to sleep or leaving this place" Deku said, crossing his arms.

"Fine I'll just have to look at the kittens by myself then..." Todoroki said hoping this would work like it did with Shinso, who had a lot in common with Deku. Even if Todoroki barely knew Izuku he could see the similarities.

"You never said anything about kittens.'' Izuku said as he waddled to Todoroki. He may have a bad past but kittens make everything better and he was hoping kittens would make his life a little bit better.

"Change first." Todoroki said before leading Deku into his omegas office which was full of clothes. "Hmmm, what about a crop top and a skirt? Or a dress? Or both? Shorts? Or maybe sweats? A long sleeve?" Todoroki said trying to find a good outfit.

Deku on the other hand had already grabbed some girls black skinny jeans, a long sleeve black shirt and a white crop top that said 'boom' in black with an orange 'x' behind it. He snuck into a changing room and got changed.

After he was dressed he left the changing room and Todoroki was standing right there in awe, "how do you have such good taste? Next up shoes and hair." Deku groaned but unconsciously swung his cat tail back and forth.

"High heels?"

"Roki I'm not a girl, you know that right?"

"Of course I know but I'm not good with clothes"

"Humm what about the red high tops!" Izuku said eagerly

"I thought you had taste! I guess I was wrong" Izuku glared at him but put on the shoe he could put on and held the other one.

"They're great..." Izuku said in awe

"Sure whatever. Let's go see the kittens!" Todoroki announced." Aizawa has some in his room so we will just go into his room and play with the kittens." He said.

Izuku's mentality froze at the thought of being in the same room as his dads. It's been a while since he's had such nice care and love. "Okay." He said as he waddled behind todoroki.

"Knock knock we're coming in." Todoroki said as he opened the door. Deku saw the kittens and went around Todoroki to play with them." Have fun babysitting you two. I have to talk with boom boom boi" He said before leaving. 

The room was left in awkward silence as Deku played with the small, grey kitten. "Nice outfit Zuzu"

"Thanks papa... Hey, where's mama?" He asked looking around and missed the two adults tense.

"She's on a business trip but she said she will be back as soon as she could to see you" Mic lied trying to let Zuzu settle in before breaking the news.

"Oh..." He said, going back to playing with the cat. His ears twitching and tail swaying as he did so.

Aizawa sat down in front of Izuku, getting his full attention. "May I hug you Zuku?" Izuku was worried but glad he asked and nodded his head.

Aizawa slowly wrapped his arms around Izuku and Izuku eventually leaned into the touch and hugged back. "This is nice. This is really nice, weird and scary but nice." Zuku said.

"I hope it was nice anyway, do you still plan on adopting kids?"

"I would love to." Deku said, letting his hair down a little bit. He planned on blaming it on his omega side if anyone asked. "But what if I'm not a good parent or they aren't there any more. I heard trauma changes a person. What if I can't take care of them? What if I kill one?! I can't be a good parent and on top of that they deserve two parents, not just me. Like yes some grow up with one but I think if my kids got two parents they would be happier in a way."

"You'll be a great parent and what happened to Bakugo? Not interested?" Mic asked, making Izu blush a little.

"He's nice but I've known him for what, a little over a few days? For all I know I could have been beaten so bad I'm in a small coma. I'm not taking any chances even if this is real, kacchan seems like the one to flip out. I don't want to get hurt or a child hurt."

"He won't hurt you" Aizawa said tiredly.

"Anything new with you two over the last 5 years?" Izu asked, trying to change the subject. He didn't agree with his dads wanting him to mate so suddenly.

A floor underneath them Bakugo and Todoroki were in the kitchen discussing the file.

"You found a lot of information in one night. This is why you are in the Mafia" Bakugo said while he set the file back down.

"I know just remember the kids won't be there forever..." Todoroki said blandly.

"So you telling me I should just go for it and adopt the kids? I would have thought you would say no."

"Oh trust me I would and I believe that you shouldn't have kids until you're stable but you don't know how long they will be there and maybe this will help your little neko. I would wait some time for you and your neko to form a bond before adopting the kids." Todoroki said, looking Bakugou dead in the eyes.

"So then the first step is to gain Izu's trust and love... then ADOPTION! Plus the kids look so fucking cute people should be ashamed for leaving them in such a place."

"Bakugo don't go and get ahead of yourself. He's been here for two days and how many problems have you had already? A lot and how long was he enslaved? 5 years. Your best option is to get therapy and slowly get him to warm up to you. Don't force anything, so keep your anger in control. 'Boss.' Got it?"

"I thought I was the boss, you half burnt ice cube! I will be fine with this. Just go get a therapist ready for Izu. I'll get everything else done! Got it you fucking extra?!"

"Yes sir, yes sir!" Todoroki said jokingly before marching off to call the therapist he talks with.


Words: 1139

I don't know if this is much better so just let me know if I need/should rewrite it again. I honestly don't mind. Leave any other thoughts, questions, and opinions in the comments. And have a good day/night!

~tell tomorrow

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