There is a Light That Never Goes Out: Part two

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Nancy is rushed into emergency surgery to have the cuts stitched up on her legs from the assault. They are deep, some having pieces of glass stuck inside. Only her calves are torn up, which the doctors find very odd. Tench is waiting in the room she was first brought into, palming his face down to catch his tears. Suddenly a person bursts through the door.

"Tench!" Holden shouts. "What the fuck happened?"

Bill looks up, with a hopeless expression. He slowly stands up, with his weight giving out. He falls into Holden's arms sobbing. "My wife could be dying, my son is missing, my life is empty. I feel invisible."

Holden tightens his grip on Bill, 'I feel invisible.' he thinks, 'that sounds so familiar.' He pulls away from Bill, but doesn't lift his hands from his arms. "We're going to be okay."

A police officer enters the room, with a notepad. "What do you think Brian could be wearing?" he asks. "We're trying to do the most thorough search possible."

"Well, his favorite pajamas are blue, and the pants have some design on them. Maybe sharks? It was so early, I assumed he hadn't changed."

"Okay," the cop responds. As he writes, he murmurs to himself. "Blue pajamas, sharks, with bloodstains-"

"Blood stains? What, you think my son is some psycho?" Bill growls, reaching to lunge at the cop. Holden instantly grabs onto him, attempting to hold him back. 

"Bill, stop that!" he grunts with a struggle.

"Sir, I didn't mean to offend you. But she was cut on her lower legs, and he's missing. There was blood everywhere," he defends himself. "Whether or not Brian did attack her, there's a low chance that he wouldn't have blood on him."

"My baby is innocent!" he yells. "Fuck you, you fucking pig!"

Holden tightens his grip, "Thank you sir," he tells the cop, implying for him to leave.

Bill releases his weight again. Holden rocks him back and forth, trying to comfort him. "Do you want a Valium? Because if you don't calm down, you're going to be sedated like I was in Sacramento." 

Bill shakes his head, "No. When she comes out of surgery, I gotta be awake with her."

"Okay, then just breathe sir. I have your back." Holden assures him, helping him take a seat. "Lets just sit."


Wendy is sitting by Kay as the doctors analyze her. "Ma'am, you need to leave the room for the next part."

"Why," Wendy defensively questions, "I've already told you she is my girlfriend."

"I understand that, but we have to do a rape kit." he takes a deep breath. "There are signs of forced penetration in her."

Wendy bows her head, sobbing loudly. "My Kay, my Kay."

"Do you know anybody who could've done this?" Ted asks her gently. 

"That bastard, Tom!" Wendy shouts. "Where it was so close to Joe's home, he must've interrupted to try to help her! And so he must have killed him!"

Ted stands up, extending his arm out. "C'mon, Wendy. The sooner they get the DNA, the sooner we can lock Tom up for a long time."

She takes his hand, and they exit the room. He walks her towards the cafeteria. "I don't have an appetite-"

"Neither do I. But we need to get something in your system, at least water to hydrate you." he responds. "The crying and shock must be hard on your body."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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