face down (6)

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Dennis enters the local public library, and is greeted by the librarian. "Hello again Dennis! How are you today?"

"I'm doing wonderfully, and yourself?"

"I'm doing good, can I help you today?"

"Yes, actually," he gazes around. "Can you point me in the direction of the newspaper archives?"

"Yes, they are in Historical Events, on the shelf to the very left." she vaguely motions her hand.

"Thank you." He smiles, as he turns away. He slowly walks to the archives, and finds the most current paper. He gazes in a drawing mimicking his reflection. He pulls out his pen, and draws out a symbol. 



Wendy arrives to work, and quickly makes a cup of coffee. She was up late the night before worrying about Kay. 'Why can't she just tell me who's doing this?' she wonders. 'I know I'm now technically a fed, but this is scaring the fuck out of me.'

She enters the elevator and selects the basement level. As it slowly lowers, she takes a sip of her coffee. She prays the caffeine will brighten her energy as well as her mood. She is extremely knowledgeable about psychology, she knows she is having high anxiety. The caffeine could worsen it, but really, can it get worse?

She exits the elevator and walks straight through the doorway for Behavioral Science. "Good morning, Dr. Carr." Joe Tuttle says, smiling at her. "How are you doing today?"

"I'm doing fair, how about yourself?"

"I'm good," he pauses. "I have never heard anybody say 'fair' as a mood. Are you alright?"

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Wendy hesitates. 

"Yes, of course!" he motions to the chair near his desk. "Please, you can talk to me."

"Well," she pauses. "I have a friend who may currently be going through an abusive situation. Potentially by a man."

"Oh," he looks down. "I am so sorry to hear that."

"Yeah," she looks away. "Me too. You're a man, not that you would ever do it, but if you could point me in the right direction, why does this happen?"

"What could she have done to deserve it?"

Wendy scoffs. "Yeah, it's all her fault-" She walks away in anger towards her office.

"Wait, Wendy! I didn't mean it like that-" His voice is cut off by her closing the door. He sighs. 'Fuck.' he thinks. 'She must be PMSing.'

Wendy's office phone begins to ring. "Dr. Carr speaking."

"Wendy? It's Tench."

"Oh, hello Bill. How's Indiana treating you two?"

"Not so well, the case and personal issues are bothering both Holden and myself." he pauses. "It's gone cold and there's no evidence."

"I'm sorry to hear that," she says. "It's not easy, what the boss has gotten you into."

"Yeah," Bill sighs. "And something weird is going on with Holden."


"Well, last night we were drinking. He went to check the car for his wallet, and started screaming because he thought he saw Kemper in the car."

"Oh really?" Wendy sits straight up. "How much had you two drank?"

"Only four shots each." he responds.

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