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Pythors point of view

I slithered into the dark cell made of vengstone. "Are you enjoying your new home?" I asked the boy with spicky hair. "What do you think pythor! My friends will come and get me you know that!" He screamed at me. I laughed. "If that's what you think. They dont even know your alive. After all... I used a spell to bring you back a while after your death. There not comming" I said. He growled at me. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!? WHY DO YOU NEED ME!" I said nothing. All I did was leave the cell and went on the walki talkie. "My queen. I would like to proudly anounce that we have our lingering ember. Now all we need is the spark of determination." I announced. Nadakhan laughed into the walkie talkie. "I've been waiting for my time to shine. Dont worrie. One spark of determination is on his way." Apsheera laughed. "Good. Now that faze one is complete. It's time to move onto faze two. Dont fail me nadakhan."

Yeah I know it's the same things as the last books epilogue but dont worrie I'm working on the first chapter right now. I just figured this was kinda needed. Idk.

Sparks of Determination Where stories live. Discover now