ch. 2 nadakhan

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Nias point of view

I stood there crying as I watched Jay fly away. "What was that about?" Lloyd asked walking over to me. I guess they heard us fighting and came out. I honestly didnt even notice that they were there. "Just me being stupid and deciding to lie to jay was one of the stupidest things I've ever done." I stated, zane looked at me sad. "He will be back. He just needs to calm down that's all. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah."

Jay's point of view

I landed in a forest nearby, by a pond of some sort. I sat down on the grass with wisp next to me. She seemed in high alert but I didn't care about that at the moment. I looked at my reflection in the water. I looked awful, ever since kai died everyone has changed. His death took a tole on all of us. Nia has become more secretive and scared that she would lose another one of us. Lloyd's been a bit more depressed. I think he really liked the hotthead if you know what I mean. Coles become kinda silent. He dosint really talk or hang out. He does everything hes told without question and dosint really fight lloyd for the leader spot anymore. Zane hasent really changed. He still does everything in his power to protect those who cant protect themselves. Pixel has quit the team stating that she just didnt feel like she belonged. So she works with borg again but still lives in the bounty with us. As for me, I've kinda stopped trying with the jokes. Initially I was doing tons of jokes at first hopeing to cheer everyone up but eventually I noticed it wasint working and no one was laughing at them so I decided to stop. I dont even really talk anymore. I sighed while looking at myself. "Man the teams really let themselves go..." I mumbled. "Indeed you guys did! I didn't think that the loss of your friends would have such a impact on your team, after all he was quite a hotthead that normally was the person who started half of the problems." I shot up, panicked I looked around. I knew that voice to well. "Nadakhan! Where are you!? What do you want!?" The voice laughed. "what I want!? Are you really that oblivious! I thought you knew me better jay." I stepped back and jumped onto wisps back. "Let's get back to the others girl!" She took off only to get cought on something and dragged back down to the ground. These gild sandlike chains, chained her down. "I dont think your going anywhere jay. I have a job for you." Jay growled "and why would I do anything for you!?" Nadakhan than finally appeared infront of me. "How about you take a little look." He stated while creating this portal like thing with his sand showing images. I looked inside it to see the images better. My eyes widened. Kai sat there in a cell with pythor standing over him. Than nadakhan made the visual disappear. " you friend is alive thinks to pythor and I. We used a very powerful spell to bring him back. If you do as I say, we will let him go." I stood there in shock. Kais alive! No it cant be! This has to be a lie! I glared at him. "Your lieing! I dont believe that hes alive! I'm not stupid nadakhan! This is another one of your tricks!" I yelled. He laughed. You think I'm lieing! Jay when did I ever lie to you! I told you that you were adopted and here we are! You actually were adopted! I never lied I just revealed the truth!" He yelled back. I stepped back. "You still dont have solid proof." I stated stuttering over my words. He laughed. "You want solid proof huh. How about this." I panicked as sand started surrounding us both. I closed my eyes scared of what I'll see. I than heard another voice. I opened my eyes seeing pythor. "Hello jay... it's been a while." I growled at pythor, "what do you want pythor." Pythor laughed. "Oh nothing. I'm just here to show you some real proof." Pythor moved aside and I saw kai there chained to a wall. He looked up at me weakly. "J-jay!?" He asked. I wanted to get up and go over to him but pythor got in my way. "Uh uh uh. Not so close now." I than woak up back in the forest with nadakhan. "Belive me now." I shook my head. "It has to be another one of your illusions!" I growled. I honestly didnt know if it was anymore. He looked disappointed. "But what if it's not Bluejay? Would you really just leave your hothead alone. In a dark, cold dungeons for the rest of his life. No way of escape." Nadakhan said teasing me.
"All you have to do. Is do some things for us. And we will let him go. Is that too much to ask?" Nadakhan continued. I stood there silent. What if he was telling the truth. What if Kai is alive? I shook my head. No... hes dead. We saw him. "Nice try nadakhan. But I refuse. Kais dead. We saw him. Your tricks won't work on me." I said. "You think you can manipulate me by showing me that I can save a friend thats long gone! Well it won't work!" I shouted at him. Mad that he would even use kai as bait. Expecaly after kais death. Nadakhan laughed. "Oh so you think bluejay. I'll give you some time to think about everything... after all. You will come back to me at somepoint." With that... he disappeared leaving me alone. I looked down before looking at wisp. I have to get back to the bounty... should I tell the others about this... no... it would only worrie them... I'll deal with this... on my own

And this chapter is fixed. Yay! I have a good plan for the fixed versions of these books dont worrie.

Anyways question game time!

1. What was your favorite part of the chapter

2. Where do you think kai is?

3. What do you think jay will do?!

Alright bye guys!

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