ch.3 nightmares?

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I waited for Jay outside on the deck while the others slept. Jay was taking a long time to get back and I was starting to get worried. I then heard a roar behind me as wisp landed on the deck. Jay got down and she flew off. "There you are jay! Do you even realize how worried we were for you!" I excited kinda annoyed. "Sorry... I got... cought up... in some stuff." Jay said, pausing a bit as if he was trying to avoid talking about something. "Jay? What took you so long?" I questioned. He sighed annoyed. "I already told you I was cought up in some stuff. Just leave me be cole!" He said as he stormed off underdeck. I sighed. Something was up with him. But I won't force him to tell me if he dosint want to.

I walked to my room and shut the door. Taking a deep breath. I looked at my bed. "I should probably just get some sleep." I muttered. I layed down and shut my eyes. Soon. I was asleep.

I woak up in this lab-ish looking area. Its a place i have never seen before. I stood up and looked around. "Where am i?" I asked. "Welcome. To my bace bluejay." I froze knowing that voice. "What am I doing here?" I asked. He smiled. "What do you mean bluejay. You asked to come here." I froze and looked at myself. I wasint wearing my usual outfit.
"What happened to my clothes?!" I asked starting to panick. "What do you mean? Thats what you normally wear? Are you feeling alright babe?" He asked. I looked at him shocked. "Babe!?" I exclaimed. He only chuckled. "Well yes blue Jay. We have been dating for months now. Did you hit your head or something?" He asked as he floated closer to me. I took a step back. He was about to say something when we were interrupted. "Nadakhan, he is asking to speak to blue Jay here. Should we allow him to speak with him?" He looked at me for a moment before nodding. "Go ahead. Let him speak with him. It won't change a thing." He said before patting me on the back. "Fallow him to our old friend." He told me. Confused I decided to do as he said and followed the man. He led me to a dark dungeon area. He opened a door to one of the dungeon rooms and motioned for me to go inside. I walked into the room and froze. Kai sat there chained to the wall. With cuts, bruises and scars all over him. I gasped and he looked up at me. His eyes pleading for mercy. "J-jay! P-please... s-save me... help..." he said in a low raspy tone. "Kai? Is that really you?" I asked. He nodded. "Help..." he pleaded. I looked at him shocked. But then it hit me... this is all a trick isint it. This is one of Nadakhans mind games. I glared at the supposed Kai infront of me. "Your not real" I said sternly. He looked up at me shocked. "This is all a trick! You are dead! Your not real! So no. I won't help you!" I yelled sternly. He flinched and stared at me in shock. I started to leave the room when he shouted back. "Jay please! Its me! Its really me! I'm not dead, you have to get me out of here! Please!" He pleaded. I turned around for a moment almost believing him by the look on his face. But I refuse to fall for such an obvious trick. Nadakhan won't get to me... "I'm sorry. But your not kai. And never will be. Hes dead." I said. And continued to walk put the door. Everything seemed to start to flash and all I could hear was his begging. "JAY PLEASE! YOU HAVE TO HELP ME! JAY! JAY! GET ME OUT OF HERE PLEASE! JAY!" Was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

I woke up with a start and looked around. I was back in the bounty. It was still late at night. That was an awful dream... a nightmare... kai... pleading... I refused to help him... he was so scared... no.. it was a trick wasint it... or was it? I just don't know anymore. I sighed knowing I won't he able to get back to sleep... I got up and headed off to the bountys deck.

Yay another chapter. Thank God I'm getting these done much better then I was before now that I know what I want to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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