ch.1 when the peace is broken

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Lloyd's point of view

We all sat around the table eating in silence. Its beenodly quiet around here since kais death. None of us have ever really gotten over it. After kais death I was struck with a realization... when we go to fight villains we always fight to protect those who cant protect themselves but doing so we put our own lives in danger... theres always this chance that someone else in the team can die as well. I didnt want to think about it but when I did it made sense. I think everyone here has been struck by that realization as well. Jay has been keeping up with his jokes trying to cheer everyone up when there down, but today he also has been uneasily quiet. I wonder what's going on with him?

Nias point of view

Jay's been really quiet... I should probably go check up on him. I walked down the hall passing by a door painted with red flames. I paused and looked at the door. No one has touched my brothers room. Its exactly how he left it on the bounty. (Obviously becouse the monastery burned down) I continued to walk to the door with blue lighting on it.

Jay's point of view

I was laying down when I heard a light patter on the door. "Come in." I said hesitantly. Nia walked in. "Hey jay..." I sat up. "Oh. Hey nia..." she was about to say something when the alarm went off. "Oh my god it's been so long." She stated. I nodded and ran behind her to the control room. "Alright zane give us the rundown." Lloyd said once we all arived. "The ninjago museum has been robbed by this mysterious man that I have never seen before." He turned around the turned on some security footage from last night. "There security cameras cought him stealing some sort of blade." Zane clicked onto the video and let it play out.

Lloyd's point of view

We watched as this man apeard out of nowhere in a puff of what looks like dust. He had a black ponytail and four arms and was floating. We watched as he snapped his fingers and the blade was in his hand. He than disappeared. No one said anything as they tried to figure out what we just saw when nia spoak up. I looked over at nia and jay who looked horrified. "Jay can you leave the room for a moment?" Nia asked him. Jay nodded and walked out of the room. She than continued without giveing us a chance to react. "Lloyd, zane dont you remember that villain I was telling you both about when we were trapped in that vengstone room during the battle with Apsheera?" Zane nodded. "Affirmative, but what does he have to do with this?" Nia sighed and pointed at the screen. "HE, IS THAT MAN!" She yelled annoyed.
I froze. "You mean he's the one who jay beat?!" I asked. She nodded. "And theres a lot more to it. A lot happened when he was trying to make ginjago"
Nia looked at us and sighed. "Let me tell you the basics of what happened"

Time skip brought to you by your lazy writer who dosint want to explain everything.

We all stood there in silence and shocked. "This guy is strong and jay and him are strong enemies. If nadakhan remembers everything like Jay and I do... knowing him, he might go after Jay as revenge." I nodded. "And by the look on Jay's face when he saw him on screen, hes absolutely horrified by nadakhan." I stated. She nodded. "Now I'll let you guys rethink everything that I just told you. I have to go make sure Jay's ok." She stated. I nodded. "Yeah you should probably go do that." Cole stated. We all watched her leave before we started discussing everything we were just told.

Jay's point of view

I sat against a railing on the upper deck looking at my hands as they shook violently. "H-he cant be b-back." I stated trying to calm myself down but it wasint really working. I felt someone sit beside me and hug me. "Calm down jay... everything is going to be fine." I pushed nia away. "YOU TOLD ME I WAS JUST SEEING THINGS!" I yelled angry becouse she lied to me. she stepped back a bit shocked that I snapped at her so easily. "Jay... please listen to me... calm down.." I growled. "Calm down! NIA HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN! NOT ONLY BECOUSE ONE OF THE VILLAINS THAY ABSOLUTELY HATE MY GUTS IS BACK BUT BECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT YOU LIED TO ME!" I screamed at her. "Jay... I lied because I loved you and I didnt want to see you so upset!" She cryed trying to get my attention. My vision was blurry from the tears in my eyes. "STOP LIENG TO ME NIA!" I screamed. She stepped back. "I-im sorry jay! I just- we-" I looked at her shocked. "we?! WE! YOU MEAN EVERYONE ELSE KNEW ABOUT THIS BUT ME!?" I screamed. She started to cry. "NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT JAY! COLE DIDNT KNOW ANYTHING!" she screamed back at me. "BUT EVERYONE ELSE DID!? WHY WOULD YOU KEEP THESE THINGS A SECRET FROM ME!? YOU KNEW THEY WERE ONLY GOING TO HURT ME IN THE LONG RUN!" I screamed back. "JAY LISTEN TO ME!" she screamed at me. "NO! IM DONE LISTENING TO YOU NIA! IM DONE WITH ALL THESE LIES AND SECRETS! IM DONE WITH IT ALL! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed. I ran over to the side of the bounty and jumped off summoning my dragon. I started flying away as fast as I could ignoring the shouts of my name behind me. Wisp roared stopping in her tracks. I pet her. "Its fine wisp." I said. She seemed a bit reluctant but continued flying. I wasint paying at where we were going. All I could focus on was our fight. Why would they keep secrets from me like that?


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