Come Home Part 1

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Hello world, Hope you're listening, Forgive me if I'm young, For speaking out of turn, There's someone I've been missing, I think that they could be, The better half of me

Adam finally left the hotel. He didn't know what to do with himself after as he walked countless hours around Los Angeles, feeling absolutely disconnected to the world. He felt like a fish petering and pattering on concrete, trying to come up for air yet ready to forfeit and drown. He felt punished as if God was punishing him for all the mistakes he made and in return, Christina was taken away from him. As much as Adam avoid going back to Christina's, his heart eventually lead him to the front entrance of her house. He stood there, observing the scene with caution tapes wrapping around the whole block of her property as a few pieces of tapes scattered and flew around him. It felt unreal as if he was a character in some evil nightmare that kept recurring every time he closes his eyes. He swipes his hand over his face a couple of times, hoping to blur away the painful thoughts but it continue to plaque the back of his mind like a pesky bug buzzing in his ears. Adam looks disoriented and if one was to stepped back to take a look at him, he looks as if he had aged a couple of years. In addition he looks as if haven't slept for ages - bags under his eyes formed, and the shadow around his jaw appeared more prominent than it was yesterday. He felt the stubble as he rubs the bottom of his chin, feeling absolutely withdrawn from the world. He felt weak. He felt completely drained and defenseless. Is this what's wars feel like? He thought. He doesn't know how to fight against God's plans. How is he suppose to win this battle? He felt defeated. 

Haunted by the potential outcomes of the accident, Adam frantically runs around the block, taking down all the caution tape around him. He didn't want to believe this was the potentiality of the situation. He gathers up all the contents of the caution tapes, feeling paralyzed, seeing the reality in front of him, seeing the reality in his arms. His tears begins to form as the the chance of Christina alive was slim. The probability of that happening was close to none. Her plane crashed his mind kept reminding him. Adam felt his jaw clinched. He felt discouraged. He felt helpless. He felt doubtful. And he hated feeling this way. He always been a person full of optimism but this...this made him feel hostile. He felt resentful to thinking the world was all sunshine and daisies when in fact, it bites when one least expects it. He hated the world. 

Adam finally found some inch of courage and dragged himself up to Christina's driveway, now landing in front of her doorstep, standing there still as a stone, still holding tight to the remains of the crime scene remnants. He held his free hand up, to knock, hoping, maybe, that Christina was playing some sick joke and she'll appeared in front of him. He knocks the door three times, feeling his heart stop beating at each knock. Someone finally came to the door. The rattling on the doorknob to get the door opened made Adam vulnerable and pathetic at the same time. The door finally opened and there stood Cam.

Observing the collected caution tapes completely covered Adam's figure, Cam said, "I see you kept yourself busy."

Adam bites down on his lips, "Any updates?" He afraid to ask but he needed to.

Cam didn't dare stare straight into Adam's eyes as he responded with dissatisfaction, "Nothing yet." He then opens the door widely, as an illustration for Adam to come on in.

"But I did get a voicemail from her," Cam took no time to state in a broken tone, as any trace of hope begins diminishing from his face.

Adam's eyes widen upon hearing Cam's statement as he ran into the living room, witnessing Blake, Miranda, Shelley sitting in a semi deformed circle. He gazes around, looking for answers as everyone look around with despair. 

"Behati has your phone," Blake speaks up, knowing exactly what Adam was thinking.

Adam clears his throat, as he begins to tremble and asks, "Where is she?"

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