Ganjedi, Paedophilic Idiots.

614 54 65

30th September, 2029.
9:05 p.m.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I closed shut my laptop. I was working continually for 3 hours and all my typing work was finally done.
I glanced at the wall clock.
Oh shit!

I had to get ready in less than 15 minutes warna main late-

"Zoom! Yay, I won, I won! You lost!", Amayra cheered.
"Aww, shucks!", Ahaan said in mock disappointment.
She had just got a new set of Hotwheels Car Racing from her 'beloved' mamu and...
Pure living room floor mein bhasad machi hui thi, aur kya?

I got up from the dining table and rushed up to my room. Halfway up the stairs, Ahaan called out, "I am assuming Amu tere saath nahi jayegi?"

I gave him a look that said 'obviously'.
Ajey would be here any minute now!
I can't keep him waiting-

Suddenly, my phone rang from the dinner table.
Who was calling at such a crucial time!?

"Ahaan, please dekhna kaun hai!", I shouted as I rushed into my room.
He must have picked it up as the ringing stopped abruptly.

I was rummaging through my clothes when Ahaan entered and said, "Nupur ka hai. It's something important.", and handed me my phone.

"Hello?", I said nonchalantly.
Nupur's 'important' talk would be prolly her ranting about how Nivaan, her two year-old, was always creating a ruckus.
I rolled my eyes.

"Ahalya! I have send you an email! It's urgent!", she said from the other end. A tone of urgency in her voice.

"Uhh, I really cannot right now, I have to go and-", I said as I finally pulled out a clothing to wear.

"Ahalya, I said it's urgent! Amayra's school got closed!"

"Eh?", I said and sat on my bed.
"What are you talking about?", I asked, scared.

"It's all over Brisbane! Just-just check your email!"

I rushed down the stairs into the living room and hung up the call.

I quickly opened my laptop and my email. I opened the PDF file shared by my sister.
There, in big, bold letters was written:-
'Westchester Junior, Brisbane, one of the most prestigious school is now closed; principal arrested for being a drug addict and molesting a child in the same school.'

I stared at the article in horror.
This-this can't be.
Oh my God!
Amu was going to start this school in two months and now-
It was the best school out there!

Ahaan came just behind me and said, "What in the name of God-"

The doorbell rang. He ran to open the door.
I did not glance that way, my full attention on the screen.
I scanned the whole article as fast as I could.
So, it was true.

A familiar sound.
Not Ahaan's.
I whipped my head to find Ajey on the doorstep.
Oh fuck!

I completely forgot!
I had to go out with him.
I face-palmed.

"Ajey, I am so sorry, I can't right now.", I said sadly.
He gave me a questioning look.
I sighed and motioned him to where I was sitting.

Both the males came and glanced at my laptop. I flung both my arms in defeat and leaned back in the chair.

After a minute or two, Ajey asked, "Isn't that the school in which Amayra enrolled?"

"Oh, yes! Oh shit! What now, Ahalya?", Ahaan said.

They both looked at me with concerned looks, I returned a frown.

The main problem was something else.
Schools in Australia would enroll kids in the months of August-September, which meant Amu won't get education for another year.

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