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Saving Tyler

Copyright © 2014.

All Rights Reserved.



I walk up and down the electronic aisle, looking at computers. I passed all the laptops and headphones and got to the desktop computers. I cross my arms, looking at each model. All of them were old ones; they weren't recent models anyway. Which Walmart should have.

I should've just went to Target...

I notice there were empty chip bags and plastics behind the computers. I purse my lips into a straight line when I saw a used condom behind one of the Ace laptops. People these days just don't know how to get a room...

I stop in front one computer, checking out the prices and details.

It seems like the best one I've seen so far.

"Maybe this one, Brianna?" I ask loudly, pointing at a HP Pavilion desktop.

I turn my head to see her quote-unquote "speaking" with one of the employees at the counter. I roll my eyes and I walk towards her.

"...yeah! I know that there's this one time where I-" she starts, twirling the ends of her hair.

I lightly punched her shoulder, but being the over dramatic friend she is, she acts as though it was Superman who gave the blow. She rubs her shoulder and glares at me. I gave her a cheeky smile. The guy at the counter laughed, but quickly coughed it off.

"What, Tyler?" she spewed, her face turning red.

I cross my arms, raising an eyebrow. "Your computer, Brianna."

She raised both of her brows, remembering why she was at Walmart in the first place. She gives the guy a quick apology and follows me to the computer I wanted to show her. She examines it, chewing on her pink gum. I purse my lips, watching her. After a few minutes of scanning, she shrugged her shoulders, puckering her bottom lip out. She turns to look at me.

"Alright. I'll take it," she smiles. I grab the slip of paper from the pocket and put my hand out for the money. She slaps it in and I clench on it. "Thanks, Tyler! You're the best friend in whole wide--!"

"Yeah I know. You tell me everyday." I say, holding a hand up to stop her from continuing.

"Because you deserve to know it everyday." she squints, reaching to pinch my cheeks.

I smile, slapping her hand away, making her laugh along. "I'm going to pay for this now, you still want anything?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "No. But ooh! I want that!"

I frown and followed her eyes. The guy at the cash register. Of course, a pretty good looking guy. I roll my eyes.

"You're an animal, Brianna." I joke, and I pushed her towards him, making her stumble at first.

I walk to the appliance area and leaned onto the counter, going on my phone. A woman walks behind the counter, smiling at me. I smile back at her.

"Hi," I say, straightening myself.

"Hello, is this what you want?" she asks, taking the piece of paper from my hand.

I try to keep a straight face. "Uh, yeah."

She has a really strong Indian accent.

She types a few things onto the computer and I gave her the money Brianna gave me. She gives me my receipt and change.

Saving TylerWhere stories live. Discover now