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I groaned loudly into the empty motel room, I was angry, I was bored, I was horny, I was lonely, pretty much everything that came with being a 20 year old hunter that was injured on the job. Honestly, pretty much what comes with being a 20 year old girl. It didn't help that the only people I ever saw for more than a day at a time were my three older brothers who were walking sex dreams. The oldest of the three, John, was dark haired with green eyes and a chiseled jaw, not to mention the muscles that decorated his body from so many years of hunting. They weren't defined as much as Dean and Sam's were but they were there and boy could you tell when he was throwing around a monster twice his size with ease. John was the calm, collected commander of the four of us, he gave the orders and we listened, it's how it had been since our parents died taking down a tribe of southern vampires when we were little. I remembered when I was really little probably only 5 or so, John was the nicest of the three, always spoiling me and getting me whatever I wanted but after our parent's deaths he grew cold and harsh towards me, only getting more distant the older I got. Dean, oh Dean, he is my blonde haired green eyed flirt. Everything about Dean screams flirt, player and man whore, and he had the body and looks to back it up. His arms were much more defined than John's but that was about it, his stomach and legs were defined from life as a hunter but not cut because of all the fast food and pie he liked to enjoy. Dean was the funniest, he was smart and snappy with an attitude and it never failed to make me laugh even if I was in the worst mood. Actually, it was pretty much up to him to make me feel better when I was in a bad mood, usually a result of butting heads with John, while Sam calmed John down Dean made it his mission to make me smile. That brings me to Sam, Sammy was brown haired, brown eyes angel in my eyes. He could do no wrong, and even if he did and he knew he did we talked him out of feeling bad because a frown just didn't work on his face. He was in the best shape, constantly running, doing push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, his muscles were so defined even in his most relaxed state they were bulging and looked like they'd burst from his skin. He was the smartest, always taking on the work of finding information for cases, sometimes even staying up for days on end just to find something. All in all, my brothers were perfect, and any 20 year old girl would drool over them and be jealous that I got to spend so much time with them, only problem is I had developed deeper feelings for each of them and couldn't do anything about them. 

I shook myself from those thoughts as soon as I heard a knock on the door followed by the sound of the lock clicking open and then our dad's old friend walked in with a smile on his face. "Hey Bobby" I greeted the old man as he dropped a pile of folders on the table in front of me. "How you doin Ash?" he asked softly patting my uninjured leg, groaning loudly and over dramatically I pouted up at him "Awful, I haven't seen the outside world in 3 days Bobby. I'm dying here." I whined silently pleading with him to help me by talking some sense into John who had left me locked in this motel room stuck on the couch while the three of them drove who knows how many hours to another hunt. "Oh no missy, I will not go against what John ordered. You take your problem up with him when they get back" he laughed patting my leg before standing "Who knows when that'll be Bobby" I sighed rolling my eyes up to the man who shook his head with another laugh "They should be back soon Ashley. Take care of yourself" he added walking to the door and opening it. "I'll see you around Bobby" I called as he left the motel room relocking the door on his way out. Sighing to myself I carefully peeled my flannel off my arms and tossed it onto the floor before my t-shirt followed, the fabric was rubbing against the still fresh stitches on my shoulder and irritating them so I decided I'd just as well potentially have to defend myself with no shirt and I'd just have to deal with getting yelled at for being 'unprepared' for an emergency. Not that I could defend myself very well anyway, I could hardly walk let alone fight something or someone should they attack me. 

Groaning quietly to myself this time I rolled myself off the bed and hobbled to the fridge using the bed, table and counter to help me along the way, thanking whatever god there was that there was liquor in the fridge I grabbed it out and carefully made my way back to the bed grunting lightly when I sat back down, my full weight being on my bum leg for a few seconds before I was on the bed. Taking a long drink of the liquor I sighed letting my head thump back against the wall, my eyes closing to relax just as the door slammed open and shut again. "What the hell are you doing Ashley?" John's voice asked already pissed off for some reason "Here. Take it." I muttered holding the bottle that I had only gotten a drink out of to the older male who did exactly that setting it on the table before picking up my shirts and pressing them into my hand. "Put those on" he ordered moving around the room, putting the bottle back in the fridge after taking a long drink for himself "Are we leaving?" I asked in confusion the t-shirt already up one arm and working up the other "No. but you need to put clothes on. You're practically naked." He grunted making me drop the t-shirt back to my lap "You're kidding me right?" I asked blandly not in the mood to deal with him "No? Get your fucking shirts on." He snapped glaring at me from the far side of the table "If it's that big of a deal why don't you make me" I shouted tossing the two shirts across the room and fighting back a laugh as they smacked into his face before dropping to the table. "Don't be a fucking brat Ashley. Just put the shirt on." He huffed walking over and trying to hand me the articles of clothing again. "Fuck you John. I'm going to see Dean and Sam" I muttered throwing my legs over the bed on the side closest to the door and hobbling my way towards it only for it to be shoved closed as soon as I started to open it. "Oh no, I don't think so. You aren't running to them because I yelled at you. Every fucking time Ashley, and they cave every time." John growled, his body so close I could feel his breath brushing across my shoulder. "Because you yell at me for the stupidest shit." I spat turning to face him, glaring up into the green eyes glaring right back at me. 

"Put. The. Shirt. On." He growled each word emphasized with a step towards me until my back was pressed into the door. "No." I returned evenly even though my heart was doing flips in my chest at being so close to the older man that I had crushed on for a while. "Why do you do this to me Ash? You're so stubborn and" he broke off slamming our lips together, his hands gripping my hips tightly as I threw my arms around his neck, putting most of my weight on him as both of my legs started to give out. "Oh god Ash I'm So" I cut him off with another kiss "Don't apologize. Please." I whispered staring up into the eyes of my big brother "Just want you" I murmured pressing my lips to his jaw as he dropped his head to rest on mine, his arms coming around my waist "This is so wrong Ash, the feelings I have for you I shouldn't" he stopped helping me over to the bed. "Nothing in our life is right Johnny, please...I just want my big brother" I muttered tugging on his shirt until it was up and over his head leaving him in low riding jeans. "So wrong" he repeated eyes roaming over my body as I carefully peeled my pajama pants off my legs leaving me in a sports bra and a thong. "Come on Johnny, I want you." I continued whimpering pathetically as he crawled over top of me nuzzling my stomach and breasts as he pulled my sports bra off and immediately latched onto a nipple making me moan loudly. We were both so wrapped up in each other that neither of us heard the door open until Dean's voice sounded "What the fuck" he shouted making John pull away and I covered myself with the sheet from the bed, still panting from the ministrations to my nipples. "Dean listen I" John started but broke off with a shrug as Dean and Sam looked between us wide eyed. "I wanted him to. If you're going to be mad at anyone be mad at me. He wasn't doing anything I didn't want." I spoke up sitting up in bed, the blanket falling to my waist, my long hair covering my boobs but obviously still revealing that I was topless. "I swear to god John, you do anything to her that she doesn't or not I will end you. DO you understand me" Dean growled shoving John back first into the wall and only pulling away when Sam put a hand on his shoulder and whispered something to him. 

As soon as they left I looked to John who was staring down at the floor, the tent in his jeans no longer as evident but still there. "Johnny" I whispered, afraid that he had changed his mind and I was going to have to get myself off again, not that it was anything new. He didn't reply only pushed me back onto the bed and continued what he had been doing, all worries obviously pushed to the side as he marked my chest and stomach with bright red bite marks. "Please John, I need you" I whined bucking up into the denim covered tent with a broken moan. It took him less than 60 seconds to shed from his jeans and slip into my heat, both of us moaning out loudly at being joined so intimately. "Fuck me." He grunts thrusting hard and fast until I'm nothing but a panting, shaking mess underneath him, orgasm after shocking orgasm crashing through my body until he finally spills his seed and falls to the side, a whimper leaving my lips at the loss of him. "No more treating me like dirt right" I asked quietly carefully rolling onto my side to look him in the eyes as he sighed softly "No Ash, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken my feelings out on you. It wasn't fair." He whispered leaning down to brush our lips together before he pulled the blankets up and over us. "I love you Johnny" I murmured already half asleep against his warm body "I love you too Ash. Get some sleep" he whispered before the light shut off and I faded into darkness, a smile on my face. 

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