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"I don't know Sam." I grunted shoving the laptop away from me and nearly onto the floor had his long arms not shot out and stopped it from tumbling off the table. "Ashley. You need to calm the hell down." He growled slapping the computer shut and setting it in the middle of the table. "Whatever Sam." I sighed rolling my eyes at the youngest of the three boys, I wasn't mad at him, I was just frustrated because John and Dean went off on another hunt alone leaving Sam to babysit me. "You can cut the attitude you've had with me lately. It's been three days and I'm sick of it." He growled yanking his jacket up his arms "I get that I'm not Dean or John, and I get that you aren't happy about missing another hunt but that doesn't mean you need to be a grade A bitch to me." He spat opening the door "Sam wait I'm" I started to say only to have the door slammed shut half way through my sentence "sorry" I muttered to myself dropping my head into my hands as I listened to the Impala roar to life and drive off, leaving me alone in the motel room again. Grunting to myself I stood up and pulled on my jacket making sure both of my pistols were loaded before I tucked them into my waistband and left the room, locking the door behind me before I started walking. I had no idea where I was going, I only knew I couldn't stay cooped up in the motel room by myself for hours on end again. 

I wasn't watching where I was going, kicking rocks out of my way as I walked, until someone slammed into me. "Oh god, I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going" the kid apologized, he couldn't have been much older than me and looked like he might be Sam's age or younger. "Don't worry about it, I wasn't watching either" I smiled softly, trying not to let my bad mood show too much. "You aren't from around here, are you?" he smirked making me blush "No, I'm visiting with my brothers. Kind of a road trip on our way to our grandmas." I lied with a shrug burying my hands in my pockets. "Where are they?" he asked making me sigh sadly "Probably off at some bar or strip club." I muttered before perking up "I don't know, but it doesn't matter it gives me a chance to explore" I smiled watching him closely knowing not everyone could be trusted. "Well...have you been to the café down the street? They make the best pies and milkshakes." He grinned widely "and my family owns it so..." he faded off with an even larger grin "If you aren't busy maybe we could check it out...together?" he murmured a red blush creeping onto his cheeks. Smiling sincerely I nodded "I'd really like that" I agreed accepting his arm and letting him lead me down the street to a cute little old school diner. "Well, this is the place" he grinned leading us to a back booth, smiling and greeting people like they were old friends, which they probably were. "Tell me about you? What are your brothers like?" he asked as we sat down and waited to be served. "I'm only asking because I'm an only child" he shrugged smiling as an older woman walked over and hugged him. 

"Jason, who is this?" she asked sweetly smiling at me kindly "Mom, this is" he faded off "Ashley" I answered shaking her hand "Well, Miss Ashley, can I suggest some pie and ice cream?" she smiled making me laugh "I've heard you have some really good milkshakes, so I'll take a Strawberry one of those and an Apple Pie" I requested "one of my brothers is obsessed with pie, I'd probably be disowned if I didn't bring him any" I blushed explaining my reasoning for an entire pie. "I'll have that right out for you" she laughed leaving Jason and I alone again. "So far all I know is your name is Ashley and one of your brothers needs a pie intervention." He laughed making me smirk "There's my oldest brother John, he's the serious one of the three, always work, work, work with him." I shrugged "Then there's Dean, the pie obsessed one, he likes to party and have fun but he babies me A LOT." I continued "And then there's Sam, he's the smartest of all of us, wants to be a lawyer." I paused as his mom brought our milkshakes and my pie over. "It's on the house sweetie, it's not often we get new faces here" she smiled squeezing my hand before moving on to a different table. I took a long drink of my shake and grinned happily "This is really good." I complimented "Anyway, Sam is like a giant puppy when he's in a good mood but when he's in a bad mood he's like a pissed off bear" I sighed dropping my head slightly "I take it you guys aren't doing too well right now?" he prodded softly "We got into a huge fight right before we ran into each other he hopped in the car and just left." I shrugged nursing my milkshake while he thought it over "I'm sure everything will work out, I mean I wouldn't know personally, but the way you talk about them you all sound really close." He shrugged "I bet they never stay mad at you for long." He added with a smile "I don't know, I'm really good at pushing buttons" I laughed finishing off my milkshake and sliding the cup to the middle of the table just as a shadow fell over us. 

Looking up I went pale seeing the frown on Sam's face and the anger in his eyes "Jason this is Sam" I whispered gesturing between the two of them sheepishly "I guess you should probably go huh?" Jason whispered back sighing when I nodded and stood up, the boxed up pie in my arms. "Tell your mom the shake was really good and that I'm sure the pie will be even better" I smiled softly waving as I followed after Sam who still had yet to say anything. "Sam I" I tried to talk but was shushed as he pulled away from the café and headed the short distance to our motel, parking right outside the door to our room. "Sammy I" I tried again but stopped at the glare he sent my way "Get inside" he ordered making me get out of the car and enter the hotel room quietly, sitting down on the edge of my bed waiting for him to blow up or do something. "Strip." He grunted already dropping his jacket and his plaid shirt onto the floor leaving him in jeans and a tight grey t-shirt while I was still fully dressed "What?" I asked dumbly not sure I had heard him correctly, in return I got an eye roll and my jacket being pushed off my shoulders and tossed onto the floor. "I'll do it myself then' he muttered pulling my pistols from the back of my jeans and setting them to the side before he quickly unbuttoned my plaid and tossed it to the side as well. "Sam" I whispered slightly scared but immensely turned on at the same time. "You want me right Ashley?" he asked softly his callused fingertips dragging across the smooth skin of my lower stomach slowly. "God yes" I murmured already leaning closer to him wanting more of his touch on my body. He simply smirked kneeling down on the ground to remove both of our shoes, pulling me up to my feet as he got to his and undoing our jeans at the same time. 

"Sammy" I whimpered pulling my tank top off as he pushed my jeans to my ankles and I kicked them off "Get on the bed Ashley" he demanded dropping his jeans too as I crawled up the bed backwards watching him closely as he crawled up the bed after me, pulling my ankle until I was flat on my back underneath him. "Shut up, do what you're told" he murmured before he ducked his head down and pressed our lips together. "Jesus Sam" I gasped as he pulled me up and unhooked my bra before dropping me back to the bed. "Christ you're gorgeous Ash" he moaned before burying his face into my chest his hair tickling me as his teeth hurt me. It was an odd mix but one I certainly wasn't going to complain about as it sent liquid seeping from my lady parts. "Sammy please" I whispered softly tugging on his hair until he pulled his face away from my chest and moved up until our faces were even. "Grab the headboard" he ordered softly taking one of my hands in his and looping it around the headboard and squeezing, "you move your hands and I stop" he warned lining himself up with my hips and sliding forward until he was encased in my heat, my mouth dropping open in a silent gasp. "Oh fuck" he growled hands gripping my hips tightly as he slammed our hips together over and over. "Fuck you feel so good Ashley" he murmured biting the skin around my chest and neck until I could feel the heat from the marks. "You're mine baby." He growled darkly hands tightening on my hips "Sammy I'm going to" I gasped hands gripping the bars of the headboard tightly as my body locked up and he continued to thrust until he finished inside of me. 

"Fuck you're perfect" he gasped pressing our lips together "Go clean up Ash" he murmured slowly pulling from my body and ushering me towards the bathroom. Doing as he said I wiped myself up before pulling on clean underwear and a tank top before heading back into the bedroom to see him lounging on the bed in his boxers. "I'm sorry about the past few days Sam" I apologized arms crossed over my chest as I watched him from the doorway. "Come here baby" he sighed opening his arms to me and squeezing as I laid down in them "I get it, you're frustrated about being left here and I am too. Don't worry about it" he murmured fingertips tracing the bruises forming on my hips from his hands "Just talk to me about it alright. Don't bottle everything up" he advised tucking me tightly into his side "I love you Sammy" I whispered as we turned our attention to the movie on TV "I love you too Ash" he returned with a smile down at me. 

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