Sam and Dean

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"Hey, you guys made it" Sam greeted hugging us both tightly before ushering us into his motel room. "John is three doors down. Told him you guys were coming and he shut himself in. Haven't seen him since" he informed taking up what seemed to be his post near the window where you could see out at the other doors and into the parking lot. "Ash couldn't drop the bad feeling she had, looked around none of the sigils were finished and there was some sort of powder on the window sill" Dean informed quietly dropping our bags beside Sam's before joining him at the window as I took a seat on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you Ash" Sam sighed coming over and brushing his lips against my temple. "It's okay, I wouldn't have believed me either" I smiled softly leaning up into his touch. "It's hard to believe that this might have been going on for a while" I sighed resting my head in my hands with a huff. "I'm gonna go talk to him" I decided getting to my feet only to be shoved back to the bed "No you are not." Dean snapped pointing a finger at me as if I was a dog. "I'm not a fucking dog Dean and It's not like you can go." I spat getting back to my feet and pushing past him "Ashley if you step out that door so help me god" he growled hands clenched into fists at his side "We need answers Dean sooner, rather than later." I sighed hands on my hips "If we wait any longer one of us is going to get hurt again" I added trying to make him understand "Or worse" Sam sighed running a hand through his hair. "I hate it too man but of the three of us, she's got the best chance of getting in and out without being hurt" he shrugged dropping onto the bed with a huff. "I hate it." Dean muttered taking two large steps over to me until we were nose to nose. "I know De" I whispered back placing my hands on his face and pressing our lips together "I'll be okay. And I'll be back before you know it" I promised kissing him one more time before I pulled away and walked out the door. I took the short walk down to John's door and knocked rocking back and forth as I waited for an answer. Even knowing he was probably possessed I couldn't help but smile widely as he opened the door sans shirt and hair dripping wet. 

"Ashley" he greeted softly opening the door just a bit more. "I missed you" I sighed launching myself into his arms. He held me up with one arm as the other closed the door behind me "I missed you too" he murmured nuzzling his nose into my hair and inhaling. "Is everything okay? You haven't wanted to be around me lately" I pouted playing with the hair at the back of his neck as he sat on the edge of the bed and rocked slightly. "I'm sorry Ash" he mumbled inhaling again with his face buried in my hair "Everything has been crazy and weird" he sighed "I'm just trying to get my head wrapped around everything." He shrugged slightly holding me close "Wanna come get dinner with us?" I asked sweetly pouting when he almost instantly shook his head no "I just need some space Ash. Tomorrow morning, you and I will go on a breakfast date while Sam and Dean investigate" he suggested. I knew they weren't going to like the idea but if it was a way to get answers so we could decide what to do then so be it. "I'd really like that John" I grinned hugging him tightly hoping and praying that everything would work out. 'Christo' I mumbled barely audible nuzzling his neck as he twitched slightly "I love you John." I murmured holding him tightly relishing in the feeling of being in his arms, knowing deep down that our lives were about to change forever. "You're so sweet Ash" he whispered rocking me back and forth. "I should go get some dinner" I sighed climbing off his lap and heading for the door looking around carefully as I went. "Breakfast tomorrow morning?" I asked half out the door "Of course" he nodded once before I was out the door.


"You really love her don't you" Sam stated as soon as the youngest Winchester had closed the door. "Of course I do" Dean nodded sitting at the small table with his legs stretched out in front of him. "No I mean you really love her. It's all over your face. You would do a lot for me as your brother but you would die and kill for her without a second thought" Sam laughed lightly actually proud of Dean. This was definitely the playboy of the three and ever since this relationship between them and Ashley started Dean has devoted all of his time and attention to her. "I would. I would do that for you to Sam. But...she's special. I can't get her out of my head" Dean admitted running a hand over his head "It's killing me right now not having eyes on her and not knowing if she's okay or not." He grunted slamming a fist on the table top "I get it man. I'm worried to. But she's strong and she's smart. If she needs us she'll let us know" Sam assured getting up to put a reassuring hand on his brother's shoulder. "If you ever ask, I'll step aside" he added quietly looking down at the floor knowing he would to make them happy. "I'd never ask you that dude. She loves you too. And this works for us, no matter how weird it is this works and as long as it continues to work and as long as she's happy then I'm happy" Dean assured giving his little brother a quick hug as the door opened to reveal the young girl with tears streaming down her cheeks.


As soon as the door shut behind me I could feel the tears building up on my lower lashes, I let them fall as I walked the short distance back to the other hotel room. I opened the door and slammed it shut behind me falling to my knees and sobbing both boys rushing to my side and wrapping their arms around me whispering sweet nothings in my ear until I calmed down. "What happened? I will fucking kill him." Dean growled lowly rocking me back and forth as Sam ran a hand through my hair. "He's a demon. I said Christo and he flinched" I sniffled holding Dean tightly. "Shit" Sam muttered dropping back onto his butt, his arms laying across his knees as Dean growled lowly. "He's taking me to breakfast in the morning" I whispered "He's sending you two on the hunt" I informed quietly nuzzling into Dean's neck as he tensed. "We can't let him know that we're on to him" Sam sighed just as Dean went to say something. "Until we have a plan we need to pretend that everything is okay. If he finds out we know he'll either run or hurt us" he continued ruffling his hair before dropping his hand to my face. "If you start getting scared you call." He ordered sternly thumb brushing my cheek softly. "I know." I nodded slowly grabbing his hand in mine as Dean began rocking me slightly again. "We're going to be okay. Whatever happens we got this" he murmured sharing a look with Sam above my head, the younger man nodding once before he got to his feet lifting me out of Dean's arms and carrying me to the bed. He laid down on one side of me and after locking the door, drawing the blinds and turning on the TV Dean crawled into the space between my legs. "We're going to cuddle and forget about everything for a while" Sam whispered nuzzling his face into my hair as Dean grabbed my arms and wrapped them around his chest kissing them wherever he could reach. "That sounds perfect to me" I murmured leaning my head back, my fingers lazily drawing shapes onto Dean's chest. 

"I love you Sweetheart" Sam whispered quietly "I love you too Sammy" I murmured back leaning into his kiss. "And I love you De" I added "I love you too Baby Girl" the short haired man murmured pressing his lips to the skin of my arm. I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep until the next morning when I was being woken up. "Wake up" Dean's voice muttered a rough shake of my shoulder making me crack open my eyes to see the man's back as he stomped to the little table and sat down. "What time is it?" I asked yawning as I sat up and looked around for a clock of any form "A little after 8, John wants us to head out so we woke you first" Sam informed walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his hips "Go shower and get ready" Dean ordered fingers tapping the tabletop as he stared at the movie playing on the little tv with no emotion. "Um okay" I shrugged sending Sam a questioning look only to receive a shrug in return. I pulled clothes out of my bag before ducking into the bathroom to shower and prepare myself for whatever today could throw at me. I quickly washed up and shaved before stepping out and drying off while brushing my teeth. I quickly ran a brush through my long hair before I got dressed hoping Dean wasn't being weird anymore. "Dean come on, you're being an ass" Sam was muttering to Dean as I stepped out of the bathroom clean and dressed for the day my suspicions affirmed by Sam noticing it as well. "Come on, we need to head out" the older Winchester sighed waiting for me to pass him before he placed a hand on my back and gently rubbed. 

"Are you sure about this baby girl" he asked quietly as we walked out of the motel room and over to the Impala. "I'll be okay Dean. I can handle this" I murmured turning to face him holding his hands tightly in mine. "Jesus Christ don't make me regret this" he groaned dropping his forehead against mine. "She'll be okay Dean. She'll call us if she isn't right Ash" Sam stated eyes locked on me "Yes Dad" I teased ducking away from his swatting hand "I swear I'll let you know if something is up. Just please come back safe" I sighed hugging Sam tightly before turning to Dean again. "Be careful Princess" Dean murmured tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before he and Sam got into the Impala and drove off leaving me alone to handle Demon John. "Hey Ash, you ready for breakfast?" the man asked wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "Yes! I'm starving" I grinned lacing our fingers together and allowing him to lead me over to his truck. Breakfast was going great, everything was completely normal and I was actually having a great time. It was like when I was younger and we didn't have any care in the world. Until it wasn't...

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