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Sighing pitifully I tucked both pistols into my waist band and followed Sam out the door, we were on our way to meet up with John and Dean at the bar to relax after a successful hunt. I don't know why I had to go, it's not like I could legally drink and they probably wouldn't let me even if I was because that's just how they were lately. It didn't take Sam and I long to find the bar John had described and soon we were walking in the front door and I was being dragged through the people until we reached a booth in the back corner, of course John and Dean weren't alone, they never were once they started drinking so I was left to stand as Sam went to the bar to get a drink for himself returning with a pop for me. "No spot to sit?" Sam asked his lips nestled right up to my ear so I could hear him over the people, the moist heat making me shiver slightly "Could probably squeeze in if we wanted to be involved with their fondling" I shrugged rolling my eyes to look up at my big brother who was fighting back a smile. "Wanna play some pool?" he asked nudging me towards the table where two men seemed to be just messing around and not actually playing. "Hey pretty girl" one of them greeted, an older man with a long beard and a pot belly. "You wanna play a game?" the other asked this time looking mostly to Sam, this one was younger and just looked more respectful than the other guy with him. "Sure, why don't you guys break? My sister just started learning how to play" Sam lied pulling me closer to his side as they both grinned slyly "Why don't we get some money on this then?" the older one asked pulling out his wallet, his friend doing the same. 

"I have $100. What about you Clint?" the younger one stated "$175" Clint answered taking out the bills and setting them on the table. "Alright, $550 then?" Sam suggested "Go grab another $50 from John" Sam stated counting out the money to reveal we had $500. Nodding I wandered back over to my two oldest brothers and pouted at the darker haired of the two "Johnny, I need $50" I murmured getting his attention, trying to ignore the way his hands were roaming over the red head beside him. "Here. Don't do anything stupid" he warned handing me the bills before waving me off, I was back at Sam's side in seconds adding the last of the money to the pile. "What do you know about pool missy?" the younger one asked slinging an arm around my shoulder, I was uncomfortable but didn't want to mess this up because $550 was a lot. "I know that one team is solids, the other is stripes. You have to get each of yours in before hitting the 8 ball. If you hit the 8 ball you automatically lose" I shrugged looking at Sam who smiled proudly "That's basically it yeah. Let's see if you can apply it now" Clint laughed loudly racking the balls and then calling his partner over, they whispered for a few seconds before Clint took the first shot. Sam and I watched closely as the balls rolled, several of them getting close but not quite cutting it. "Okay, so what you want to do is aim for ones that are already close to the holes" Sam stated, word for word how the boys had originally told me how to play. "Okay?" I questioned holding the stick in confusion "Come here" he smirked helping me get situated before he stood up straight and called for solids. "So line up your shot, try to hit the one that's almost falling in on the far corner" he advised the three of them silent as I took the shot and huffed happily, it wasn't a very good shot but it was enough to sink it into the hole.

"Relax when you go to shoot, don't choke the stick so hard" Clint commented, I nodded slowly and tried again, missing a hole but nudging a couple balls in separate directions. "Don't worry kid, you'll get it" Clint's friend laughed before he and Clint whispered some more before their shot. "Sammy, you sure this is a good idea...that's a lot of money" I whispered handing the pool cue over to the older male "relax Ash, it'll be fine" he smirked flicking a piece of my hair before getting set up for his turn "How long have you been playing son?" Clint asked Sam who bit his lip as if in thought "Couple years, learned my first year of college and it was fun so I kept up with it" he shrugged, not lying but not exactly being truthful either. "so you should have a pretty good shot at keeping your team in this" Clint's friend laughed getting a snicker from Sam "Hopefully" he nodded before he lined up his shot and sunk two of our balls. I squealed excitedly "How did you do that" I asked excitedly my eyes wide with faux awe as Sam laughed and shook his head only sinking one ball his next turn and missing the third. "Like I said, practice. Eventually you'll get the hang of it" he shrugged throwing his arm around me. Clint and his partner were getting nervous and it showed as they missed their first shot giving me the chance to shoot again. Biting my lip nervously I lined up and struck pouting when the white ball missed and bounced all over the place but not knocking anything in. Sighing sadly I walked back to Sam and leaned on his side having to try really hard not to smile and give away our big plan. Thankfully Clint scored twice before missing and then it was up to Sam, he was quiet and focused as he shot sinking one ball, two and then lastly the 8-ball winning us the game. 

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