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(I totally did not came up with this at midnight while listening music.Now read this cringe chapter and I feel so single while writing this)

(They are dating and are 20)
~Atsumu pov~

You got a bad reputation in my neighborhood

Omi comes to my place a lot but people think he's a bad person because of how he acts but he's so hot and what if he acts mean and cold but he's my boyfriend i don't care what people say

You drive me crazy with temptation

I hate that he's such a tease with me but that's a reason why I love him more

You were there when I was low,you held me high

Sakusa was always there for me he may act cold but he's sweet and nice when you meet him more and both of us are trouble maker's

Every single place we go i start a fight but then you kiss my neck an take a bite

When we go outside there is always someone trying to take MY omi~ away so of course I have to tell them who he's owner is but then it ends up turning into a fight until omi stops it when he kiss me to show that he's dating me and he has an owner.But before they go i have to do something that is the reason why people hate me i slap them for trying to take omi away from me.

~Sakusa pov~

Everyone says I'm sleeping with the enemy

Atsumu is hated by almost every girl in my neighborhood since he's dating me and starts fights with them because they want me to date them even tho I'm dating atsu but that's is a reason why I fall more in love for him.

I don't even care if he's gonna be the dead of me

Atsumu is chaotic and I knew this since the start so I'm not surprised i almost died like 3 times already 1 by the police since he and oikawa thought it would be fun to steal a teddy bear and of course me and iwazumi were affected by this and we got 3 cops following us

the second time suna and atsumu thought they could of escape a bee hive so they threw a rock and me and Osamu also almost die since they follow us for 40 minutes and the last time because of a car accident that suna,oikawa,suga and atsumu caused and of course as their boyfriends we were affected by this.Even tho I was driving atsumu wanted to drive so yeah I let him an the car was ruined but no one got injured thank god

You know I wouldn't walk away even if I could

Me and atsumu have always been next to eachother and we both change when we meet each other but we're thankful that were together and we never want to to leave each other side.

Cause I can never get enough when the felling start

I fall all over again when atsumu gets jealous and starts to make out with me infront of people that is very embarrassing but i love him for that and we both do it so we're both the same that's why we love each other.

But then you take the wheel and crash the car

Atsumu has crash my cars more then 3 times and I am always involved (눈‸눈)i had to pay 1,000 dollars already and he lost his license because he crash the car already 3 times

(This was just random sorry if there is bad grammar)
(604 words)

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