change that your taken to single challenge

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✨❤️bottoms baddies only☀️❤️

Tendou : i have a new challenge for you guys

Suga: @everyone wake up

Suna: it's 5:35 what do you want

Atsumu: i agree with suna

Oikawa: so what's the challenge tendou

Tendou: so you know how we have that were taken and have photos of our top with us in our social media why not change it like we're single and erase our couple photos and only leaving cute and hot photos of us 😜.

Atsumu: ....... Why why am I going to agree with this

Tendou: because you want to see your omi omi reaction

Oikawa: well I think it's gonna be fun so yeah sure I'll do it

Suna: 😐 .....

Oikawa: what

Suna: nothing but sure I'll join

Suga: I'm in

Tendou: okay so everyone who is awake right now is joining


osamu🍙:Suna why did you post that photo and why did you erase every photo with me

45 minutes later since this bitch fell
asleep again




Suna😪:atsumu stop spamming

Osamu🍙:it's Osamu

Suna😪:oh what do you need

Osamu🍙:why did you erase all of our couple photos and change your desc from taken to single

Suna😪: because I wanted

Osamu🍙:that's not a REasOn

Suna😪:i can change it back whenever i want 🥱

Osamu🍙:bitch fine then I'll change mine too😤




*This user has block you*

Suna😪:it was a prank dummy

*Could send message*

Atsumu 🥱

Suna😪:tell your brother to unblock me and that it was a prank

Atsumu🥱:He block you really fine I'll tell him

Atsumu🥱:he left the house so he may got to yours

Suna😪:well did you tell him

Atsumu🥱:nope he didn't let me he just left and almost broke the door down

Suna😪:well bye bye legs wait did you do your part of the challenge

Atsumu🥱:I'm about to so bye



Daichi:sugar why did you erase our couple photos

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