Chapter 17

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Courtney's POV

Today's the party and everyone is helping out. But I'm in charge with the food because these guys don't know how to make food. Also if I left Michael in charge with the food he couldn't make it but if he did he would've ate it so I'm in charge with it.

"You almost done with the decorations?" I yell

"Yep" they all yell back

"Who got drinks?" I yell again

"Ashton" Michael says walking into the room

"Don't come any closer Clifford." I say


"Because you'll eat the food." I say

"True" he says

"Now go help the boys I'll be there in a bit" I say and that's when Luke walks in. Great

"Finished with the decorations" he says

"Ohh Is that food?" He says coming closer

"Hey! Stay right there mister" I say to Luke

"Why!!" He whined

"Because your going to eat the food if you come closer" I say

"What if I wanna hug you" He say

"I'll hug you after!" I say putting my focus back on cooking the food

"Nooo!" Luke whines

"Yeeeees" I say mimicking him

"Fine!" He say turning away and walking back outside

"Wow" I say under my breath

At this party there will be fireworks, (at the end) food, drinks, (I'm to underage) and lots more. It will be really fun and a lot of people is coming so is my best friend Sara. I know I said I only had 4 best friends but I have 5 Sara, Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton. That's when I heard the doorbell ring but I can't leave the food because of the boys.

"Luke can you get it!" I yell

"Already did" he yelled back

"Hey!" I hear someone say and I turn around to see Sara standing there

"Oh My God! How are you I say running and hugging her"

"Good" she says "I have been to so many new places around the world" she continues

If you wanna know who Sara is she has long wavy brown hair, blue eyes, skinny, and she's so beautiful! She works as an artist and she does photography and she travels the world to sell her pictures and paintings. She's also my bestie we've been best friends since 1st grade and she's the one who is always there when I need her and the one who makes me laugh. She's just the best!

"So... how are the boys?" She asked

"Good! But later we need to talk" I say and she turns happy to worried

"Did one of them hurt you!" She says angrily

"No, no, no Sara none of them hurt me. I promise" I say and she calms down

"Good!" She says

"Now come on help me cook" I say pulling on her arm.

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