OneShot AU:Partners In Crime

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Y/N wasn't really the detective of the year. But of course he was a great detective but he was a hardheaded son of a bitch. He was always a solo cop, doing his own things. Well, that is until today. To Y/N it was a normal day, he woke up with a hangover, threw up a little, ate, drank, got dressed and left for work. Once he got to the station, he bumped into one of his cop buddies, Joe.

"Hey Y/N" He said

"Oh, hey joe" Y/N said.

"I heard the chiefs looking for you" He said.

"For what?" Y/N said.

"If I knew I'd tell you don't you think" He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Alright thanks for informing me , see ya" Y/N said.

"Yep, see ya" He said.

He walked to the chiefs office and walked in. He saw good ol chief Ramirez sitting at her desk with a girl sitting as well. The girl had white pale skin, red cheeks, long blond hair, yellow eyes,a red suit with a black bow tie, and a badge and gun of her waist.

"Speaking of Y/N, here he is now, you're late again." Chief said

"Yeah yeah why were you talking about me?" Y/N said

"Y/N this is Detective Charlotte Morningstar, or Charlie as she likes to be called, Charlie this is Detective Y/N L/N, your new partner."
Chief said.

"....huh? Uh chief can we talk for a sec?" He asked

"Sure. Detective Morningstar will you excuse us?" Chief asked.

"Of course" Charlie said then walked out.

" Y/N don't-Nuh Uh!" He said cutting her off.

"Y/N don't start with me I'm not in the mood." She said.

"Well I said fucking no! I'm not doing partners I don't need a partner I don't want a partner!" He said mad as all hell.

"Well I don't fucking care, deal with it. Besides you'll like her you two have something in common."
She said.

"And that's?" He asked.

"Being the smartest now your dismissed." She said.

"But Chief"-" Your Dismissed!" She said cutting him off. He sighed in defeat and walked out the door.

"Hello!" A feminine voice said.

He looked to his side and saw his new partner standing there.

"...hi" He said.

"I'm Detective Morningstar, but you can call me Charlie, and I'm your new partner!" She said smiling putting her hands on her hips.

"Uh nice to meet you as well." He said shaking her hand.

"So what's up with your whole tax collector outfit." He said.

"Oh it just, well, I don't know it suits me." She said.

"Uh huh. Well, come on." He said.

"Where are we going?" She said.

"The car. We're going out on a date" He said.

"What?" Charlie said as she blushed.

"I'm just fucking with ya." He chuckled.

"Oh" She said still blushing.

They got outside and got into the car.

"Ok let's go over some rules. Rule 1, don't fuck up the leather. Rule 2, don't spill shit on the leather. Rule 3, don't touch anything in the car that's not yours. Rule 4, don't touch the radio, don't even bother connecting your phone to it unless I let you. Rule 5, follow rules 1,2,3,4 and 5. Got it?" He said.

"Yep!" She said.

"Good. Now let's ride." He said putting his shades on and turning on the radio.

They drove down good ol downtown to a fast food drive thru.

"You want anything?" He said.

"No I'm ok thank you." She said.

"Mm ok" he said.

Before he could order he heard arguing outside. He looked to where it was coming from and saw a fight going on with two guys with a bunch of people cheering them on.

"Ughh ok Charlie lets go." He said as he put the sirens on and they left there car. They went over to them and tried to break them up.

"Ok break it up now!" Y/N said before he got elbowed in the face by one of the guys.

"Ok you piece of shit" Y/N said as he hit the guy in the head making the guy fall down. Charlie saw what he did.

"Y/N what the hell!" Charlie said holding the other guy down.

"Stay the fuck down!" Y/N yelled at the guy so he could stop resisting. Y/N then pulled his gun to the guys heads.

"If you don't stop squirming around ima blow your fucking head off!" He said making the guy stop.

"Fuck you you can't do that." The guy said.

"You wanna bet?" Y/N said.

"Y/N!" Charlie yelled making Y/N look at her. She made a face that read 'cut it out'.

Y/N and Charlie picked their guys up and brought to the car and put them on the hood. Y/N then called for backup. After that the cops came and took the guys. Y/N then ordered his burger and left. While in the car it was silent. Except Y/N's smacks of his mouth eating.

"You know Charlie, sometimes the worlds to kind. To kind that some people don't listen anymore. I'm pretty sure you've heard of the term, bad cop good cop? Well sometimes you gotta be one of those two. And well, good cops kinda overrated. get what I'm saying?" Y/N said.

"Yeah...I get it." Charlie said looking out the window sad.

" ...So, you graduated top 5 at the academy? " Y/N said.

" read my file???" Charlie exclaimed.

"Well yeah, since your my partner now I'd rather get to know you better. I'm impressed." Y/N said.

"T-Thanks." Charlie said.

"Then I guess you should know I read yours as well..." Charlie said rubbing her arm.

"...are you fucking kidding me?" Y/N said.

"Well hey I'm impressed as well." She said.

"You graduated top 5 at the academy, arrested multiple most wanted fugitives, busted multiple drug dealers, trafficking rings, and you even killed that drug lord, Hellhound." Charlie said.

"Well your just gonna make me blush." Y/N said making Charlie giggle.

Y/N's phone that rang and he answered it.

"Yeah?" Y/N said.

"Uh huh......alright then we'll be there right now." Y/N said hanging up the phone.

"What happened?" Charlie asked.

"There was just a murder and sure enough they need our help to solve it cuz hey, that's our job."
Y/N said.

(Idk if I'm gonna continue this, what do you guys think?)

Word count: 1100 words

Hazbin Hotel- Charlie Morningstar x Male Reader Oneshots/AU'sWhere stories live. Discover now