Oneshot: Meet the Parents: Pt 1

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Sorry for taking so long. Requested by @CJT0696 . Thanks for the idea!

It's been about two months since you and Charlie started dating, and you've never been happier.

This has got to be the best thing to ever happen to you.

You're in love.

You guys met in in a bar. You were minding your own business, shooting down hard whiskey down your throat, trying to numb the pain you were currently in, while a girl was passing out fliers for her hotel.

Some guys were making fun of her, so you stepped in, getting socked in the stomach as a result.

Two Months Ago

"Give me another," you said to the bartender as another shot was slid to you.

You take the shot and wince from the burning.

You then saw a woman with blond hair, white skin, pink cheeks, yellow eyes, and black mascara wearing a suit with a red blazer. She had these fliers in her hand as well.

*eh, just another lowlife trying to sell
business products* you think.

She was trying to give fliers to people until she gave it to the wrong demons.

"HAHAHA!!! Redemption? You must be as dumb you look! HAHAHA!" A demon laughed hollered with its friends.

"But it's possible I know it is!" The girl said.

"The only thing possible is to give up on that stupid dream." Another demon said.

"Oh please, the only thing she gave up on was being smart! HAHAHAHA!" Another one said, making them all laugh.

The girl was obviously embarrassed as she looked at the ground.

You decided to step in, obviously feeling bad for the girl.

"Hey! At least she's doing something productive unlike you fucking non successful deficient, dimwitted, waste of space losers!" You say stepping in front of the girl shocking her.

"What the fuck did you just say dipshit?" One of the bigger demons said standing up.

"You heard me you ugly fuck, now leave her alone."

"Oh really? Well how about I leave with a parting gift just for YOU!" He said socking you in the stomach making you fall on the floor.

They all started laughing, getting up from their seats as you lay on the floor in pain

"See ya dipshits..." the guy said as they all left.

"...ugh fuck you..."

"Oh my dad, are you ok, sir?" She asked, kneeling down in worry.

"Yeah, they're just a bunch of assholes, are you o-"

You were on the floor, and she was kneeling down, checking if you were okay.

That's when you saw her beauty.

That's when you and her fell in love.

This girls name was Charlotte Morningstar or Charlie, the princess of hell, and yes, you were surprised as hell... no pun intended.

A few days later, you and her started hanging out more.

She told you about her so-called "passion project" she had, which was trying to rehabilitate sinners.

At first, you thought she was joking until you realized she wasn't.

You had to think for a moment. It's strange and funny, yes, but is it possible?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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