One Shot: The Hazbin Christmas

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Requested by Thaack97 . Thanks for the idea! Just something cute! And make sure to check out his stories!

Ah. December. The month that holds the best holiday, Christmas.
The holiday where people buy and exchange gifts to one another, spend time with family, and feast. The day when Jesus Christ was born.
When Y/N was alive he always loved Christmas. Even though he didn't have anyone to spend it with, he still loved it. It was the happiest day of the year. But ever since he died he was not able to celebrate Christmas. So this year he got an idea. He was going to celebrate Christmas with his loving girlfriend Charlie and his best friends. Once Y/N told Charlie was Christmas was she was still a bit confused about the whole thing. Then Y/N told her what it was really about, she cringed at thought of people celebrating Jesus's birth. And Alastor, he didn't even like Christmas. But besides that the whole team decided to do it. Y/N also
got a tree, well kinda stole one from earth from a house thanks to his friend at I.M.P that has a book that can allow you to go on earth.
Once Y/N brought it into the hotel he immediately said to not ask where he got it from.
"Hey, celebrating Christmas in hell, what's the worst that can happen?" Y/N confidently told himself.

5 days later.

It's finally Christmas and Charlie woke up early in the morning so she can get the day started, well mostly to open her presents. Doing so she woke Y/N from his slumber. She tried to tell him to wake up at first but that didn't work so she kissed him all over his face making him giggle and open his eyes.

"What are you doing up so early hon?" Y/N said.

"Well it's Christmas Day hon! Let's go downstairs and open the presents!" Charlie said.

"Oh yeah, Christmas presents.....presents???" Y/N said going wide eyed. Holy fucking shit. He and Vaggie forgot to put the presents out last night!!!

"Uh...yeah. Yeah hehe uh presents, Christmas, stuff yeah uh j-just stay here for a moment Charlie ok?" Y/N said kissing her and putting his slippers on.

"Hehe why?" Charlie said.

"Just trust me babe please." Y/N said putting his robe on.

"Ok hon whatever you sayyy." Charlie said.

"Thank you baby. I love you, Merry Christmas, good morning, and stay here i'll be back ok? Ok good! Love you!" Y/N said.

"Love you too!" Charlie said as y/n left the room.

Charlie then fell back into bed sighing. Y/N ran to Vaggie's room. But before he could reach it he then ran into Vaggie once he turned the corridor making her fall on top of him. They were both wide eyed.

"I guess you forgot as well" Vaggie said.

"Um....Yes" Y/N said making them both run back to Vaggie's room and got the presents. They brought them all downstairs in the lobby underneath the tree.

"Ok I'll make the hot Chocolate you go and plug in the lights outside." Vaggie said.

"Got it!" Y/N said running towards the elevator. Once he got up to the roof he ran over to the plug and to the extension cord. But something was wrong. They couldn't reach each other.

"Oh you gotta be fucking shitting me right." Y/N said. Why didn't it reach. It did last night. He tried it again.
"It almost there just a little more strength." Y/N said trying to plug them both into to each other.

"Ughhh why won't this thing reach!!!" Y/N yelled angrily.
He pulled the extension cord with all his might until he heard a snap. The extension cord ripped making Y/N fly back almost falling off the roof until something catched him. It was Alastor!

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