Chapter 5: Not without a Fight

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Never in his life had Draco Malfoy been more confused. He had no parents, no family, no friends, and no idea what to do next. St. Mungos had said that all of his parent's money was now under his control, as well as all property they had owned. It was up to him to decide what he wanted to do now, with no father to restrain him. Since Voldemort was gone, he had no forced responsibilities in that area either. He could now do anything he wanted to, with the aid of the Malfoy name and figurative credit card, but now he had no idea what he actually wanted.

Of course add to that the pretty, snooty, bookworm best friend of the boy-who-just-wouldn't-die, who also happened to be muggleborn, and he was in an even worse situation. Hermione sat across from him with a book titled Everything A Desperate Wizard Should Know and a huge scowl. Her brow furrowed and lips putting, the teenager couldn't bare to admit that she was the best thing in his life as of that moment.

Draco propped his head on his palm, absorbing the silence and moment of temporary peace. Soon she would look up and hex him for staring at her, so he took his chance and observed the way his roommate looked at that moment, with her hair spilling out from its ponytail to fall into a curtain across her face. Every once and a while she would raise a hand to push it back behind her ear, but it would always fall back into place. As the spell wore off her hair was beginning to frizz again, but he didn't replace it, instead wondering what it would be like to run his hands through that hair, and what she would do if he were to do it now.

Shifting his head onto his other palm, he pondered what would happen if Hermione actually ever told Weasely that she had feelings for him. It was doubtful that she would ever get up the courage, but the musing was still interesting. Although he refused to admit it, it was also fairly frightening. Weasely would be too dumb to think and realize how amazing she was, but say he did, say he left that Brown trollop, would he, Draco, be disappointed? Would he regret not leaping over the table and kissing her when he had the chance? Would he even notice?

Of course he would notice. It would plague him for years if he ever opened a door to see them snogging in a broom closet. But why? He asked himself. Why can't I tease her and insult her? Why now? There was also the question of why he kissed her out on the lake, but he didn't even want to start on that. He had tried making excuses, but he knew that he hadn't done what he had because he was emotionally unstable, or because he was lost and confused. Excuses didn't work, because he couldn't deny that the only time he had ever felt sure of something was when she sat next to him on the bench, rain pouring down on them, her hand place gently on the back of his neck. He hadn't been so comfortable and safe before in his life, and that small stubborn part of his brain mocked him for accepting that he wouldn't get that back. It was the same part that insulted him for not catching the snitch before Potter. He didn't want to think those were related.

That lock of hair fell into her eyes again and she shoved it back impatiently, not even looking up from her heavy book. Any other guy would have taken a hint and realized that they had no chance with a girl who refused to accept that she was stuck in immediate contact with him. But Draco was not just any guy, he was a stubborn, stuck up, prejudice Malfoy, and wouldn't give up. There, it was decided.

But what now, how do I get her to forget about him? He wondered, watching as she continued nibbling on her lower lip.

"Did anyone ever tell you how pretty your eyes are, Hermione?" he cooed earnestly. Blast, not only am I jealous of Weasely but that sounded like him too! Ug, fix it Draco, fix it. She looked up, her face blank.

"Stop trying to seduce me to get back at the guys. Don't flatter yourself, because you know it won't work." As she turned back to her book, a surge of anger welled through Draco, directed at Weasel and Potty. This girl had been looked over so many times because of them that she couldn't even separate a compliment from a plan for revenge!

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