candy shop

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a/n: Edited asf.

No pov
Sakusa was walking down the street, looking for a candy shop. Why? Cause his younger sister wanted some.

He then stopped in front of a small candy shop. There weren't that many people but there was a few. Some of them had kids with them.

Sakusa looked around for a bit and decided that he was just gonna get some random candies he found.

He went to the cashier and couldn't help to look at the worker. He was short, He had blond hair that was obviously dyed.

He had hazel brown eyes. "Is this all sir?" The boy asks. The boys voice sounded like honey.

Sakusa couldn't help but blush. "Y-Yeah." The boy giggled. "What?" Sakusa asks.

"Nothing..Your just cute" "Oh am i?" Sakusa asks mockingly. "Yes you are!!Am i wrong?!" The boy asks.

"What's your name?" Sakusa asks. "Atsumu Miya but call me tsumu." The boy introduced.

"What about you?" Atsumu asks. "Sakusa.Sakusa Kiyoomi." Sakusa says blankly.

"Omi!!" Atsumu shrieked with a big smile.

"What's with the nickname?" "What? i find it cute.." atsumu says with a pout.

"Fine..Here's my number. call me."  Sakusa says with a wink. Atsumu couldn't help but blush. "T-Thanks.." atsumu stuttered.

yes, i did it i fucking i did it.

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