chapter six

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<Y/N's pov>

"Bakugou!" I screamed, pushing the boy off of me, him landing against my door and closing it. His body slumping down the wall with a groan.

"What are you doing Suki? What's wrong with you?" I asked him, kneeling down and cupping his face to check his temperature. His cheeks and nose warm and blushed red, alcohol on his breath. She didn't know why he would come to her when he was drunk, yet the tsundere was at her door.

"Y/N...I drunk too much. My fucking head hurts." He murmured while rubbing his head.

"Um, you want some water?" I asked, the boy shaking his head no. "You gotta throw up?" I asked him, preparing to haul him to the bathroom, only he shook his head no again. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed me down, banging my head against the hard wooden floor, his drunk excess strength catching me off guard.

"Bakugou!" I stumbled onto the floor, rushing backwards from his arms, trying to grab the back of my head. 

"What's wrong with you?" The question tumbling from out of my mouth. Before he could respond, he melded our lips in a display of drunken affection. 

"Let me stay." He slurred out, the remaining words of my protest failed as my lips were consumed by his once again.

At first my body shifted slowly up and down. Both of his hands extended outward to squeeze my breasts simultaneously playing with them. Our eyes locked together in an intense gaze. The pleasurable sensations grew exponentially and I tilted my head backward, pushing my hands against his thighs, fingers tight upon the taut flesh. I tried to push him back, my elbow forcing him backwards but Bakugou arched his hips to match my increased and frightened movements away, both hands gripping either side of my butt. Small beads of sweat dotted across his forehead and the fragrance of sweat filled the air. 

"Bakugou! No, what are you doing-"

"Let me stay. Please let me stay." He begged, dropping his head to my neck, kissing hastily at the skin, nipping at biting at the sensitive flesh.

"Bakugou." I called again, trying to push him away, him only biting onto my neck.

"Let me stay with you." He tried again, his kisses on my neck getting progressively slower and more sensual. I could feel myself giving up, my will to fight lessened with each peck. My eyes rolled back as I let out a small huff, them falling onto a picture hanging of Sero and I at a carnival. Just seeing how happy we were, made my strength come back. I shoved him far away from me, his back hitting the wall, a dazed expression on his face.

"Bakugou! Get out! Go to your fucking room!"I screamed, pushing him from the door and opening it. Before he could respond, I had already shoved him into the hallway and slammed the door in his face.



"Good morning guys." I spoke as I walked through the living room, a few of my classmates idly talking. They only mumbled a response to me, more than likely a few hangovers rushing through them. 

"I wish you guys never had that party last night, my head is still spinning." Tokoyami murmured, I was surprised that he even went, usually he didn't like parties.

"That's what you guys get. Consuming alcohol has those types of effects on people." Midoriya teased, invoking the memory of my own hangover, I started some coffee, for the ones that had it. Knowing that they would need it. Uraraka just moaned and laid her head on the back of the couch rubbing her temples.

"When do we start our training again?" Tsu asked.

"In a few days." I chimed in, answering her. I placed a glass of water and a small canister of pills beside Tokoyami, booping his beak on the way back to the kitchen. While there, I began to think about the interaction from last night, there's no way that Bakugou actually did that. I could still feel his warm hands on me, how soft his lips felt on my neck and how nice his frequently raspy voice was precatory and desperate. 

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