chapter seven

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"Sero!" I darted in front, Aizawa stopping me from lunging any further with his scarf. I watched in horror as my unconscious boyfriend was lugged onto a stretcher, his lip split open and he had a bump on the side of his face, and his once slick hair was drenched with water and stuck to his forehead in mussy black lines. His helmet was cracked and his hero outfit was tattered. I looked up at the screen, to see who his opponent and my new target was. My face dropping when I saw Bakugou's picture next to Sero's. I balled my hand up as soon as I saw Bakugou, being escorted from the dome, ready to knock his block off with a fireball. I aimed my hand at him, only nothing coming out, only small puffs of smoke. 

"Everyone, back to class." Aizawa stated, his red eyes gleaming. As they led Bakugou away, he turned his head, my eyes meeting his. He looked sympathetic, but I really didn't care. If looks could kill, he would be dead by now. Momo and Hagakure held me up, Midnight gathering our class and leading us all away, the boys going back into the dome. Aizawa whispered something to Recovery Girl as he put his eye drops in, the staff leading Sero away on the stretcher. We silently walked until we were parallel with Bakugou and some of the other staff members, I knew that he had done that on purpose. It was past a training exercise, he did that just to hurt him and ultimately me. 

"Did you just..." I asked, looking at him suddenly. "Why did you do that?!" Despite being fine only moments before, I was suddenly very angry, and I knew that the anger was making me sound slightly hysterical, but I didn't care. First the confession and the kiss haunting her, Now, this. And what the hell was this? I voiced as much to my friends and the young man beside me. I screamed, startling some of my classmates. Even Bakugou jumping away from the sheer power of my voice alone. Midnight pulling my hands away with her whip just before I could actually hurt him. I seethed silently as Midnight scolded me, planning on exacting my revenge.


(a/n: i apologize to all Bakugou stans, this took a lot of effort to write, and it emotionally drained me, i promise i don't condone domestic violence or senseless beating of local Katsuki's.)

The entire class time, Y/N couldn't focus, her mind was on Sero. She knew Recovery Girl was the best and would fix him up, but she hated that Bakugou took his anger out on him. Y/N found out later from snooping on All Might and Aizawa in the halls, that the match was only based on speed, sparring was unnecessary, Bakugou did that all on his own.

 When they were released back into the dorms, Y/N went to immediately go see Sero, only Recovery Girl wouldn't let her in because he was sleeping the medicine off. 

She walked back into the dorms with a broken heart, all of her pain turning straight into anger, all aimed at one person. Tupac rapping to Hit 'Em Up in her ears, only fueling her fire. Her friends tried to invite her to their dorms, like any usual day, her turning them all down, going into her room and stripping off her uniform. She put on a pair of bicycle shorts, one of Sero's large beige hoodies, and a pair of black air forces. She wrapped her hair into a bun and slipped the hood over her head, making her way down the halls. 

"Whoa, where are you going kiddo?" Kirishima came out of his room, blocking her path, much to her annoyance.

"Bakugou's room." She nodded at his door.

"But you're wearing forces...and they're black." He quizzically looked down at her feet.

"You're wearing crocs. And they're red." She spoke in an apathetic voice, only wanting to get past.

"Touché." He mumbled, moving past her and into the direction of the lobby.

Y/N darted into the room, seeing the boy mopping the floor. She jumped forward sending a gust of air flying through the room, knocking the bucket and mop water across the room. She took a hold of Bakugou, lifting him into the air and slamming him onto the ground hard. The air once again propelled him up, slamming him against the window, the glass cracking from the weight. He didn't even fight back, just limply laid there and curled himself up. Y/N ignored the splitting of her palms, pulling the spilled mop water into little balls, and tossing them hard onto the boy, crying as she did it. Y/N assumed he was underestimating her by not fighting back, so she ran over and straddled him. She pulled his head up, slamming it against the wet floor, his hair and tee wet. She let two large balls of flame engulf her hands and began to punch him. She didn't want to hurt him that bad, so she aimed for his ribs and stomach, the heat radiating against her legs. He barely even groaned, taking his blows like a champ. After she was tired of that, she dismounted, pulled him back into the air and pulled him in her direction, knocking the boy down with a roundhouse to his temple. 

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