chapter eleven

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<author's pov>

If there was another way to describe the word drained, it would be Y/N. She was shivering, holding her ripped white clothes against her to shield herself from the weather. As drained as she was, she was equally pissed, none of her friends came to help her. Especially Denki! She'd saved him, ended up kidnapped and hadn't gotten a word back. Her brown skin could not hide the red whelps and scratches along her skin, the woman was bleeding profusely from a cut on her brow, the crimson ichor flowing down her face. Her now matter black hair was drenched and sticking to her forehead in thick lines mixed with blood, sweat and water. She swayed forward her balance thrown off, her brother holding her up most of the way. He was just as exhausted as she was, them both collapsing at the front door.


She didn't remember getting up, walking to her room or even her brother disappearing. Yet, things had played that way. When she opened her dorm door, she almost fainted. Bakugou was in her bed, naked. A woman in front of her was buttoning up her pants, and the fucked up part about it was:

The woman standing before her was an identical match.

"He's too good, love." The woman winked, opening the window. Y/N stood there dumbfounded, she was up two stories, did she really expect to fall all the way down and not die? "Way too good." She finished, gracefully swan diving from the window and onto the awnings, rolling off and dismounting perfectly. When she hit the pavement, her head twisted back up at the couple. She bowed nimbly and ran off into the night. Y/N immediately went to her drawers, making sure nothing of importance was missing. 

"Teddy bear?" "What the hell happened to you?" Bakugou blubbered, aware of what had happened. He seemed different, much more emotionally drawn and it was scary. She didn't have much of a reason to be mad, he wasn't hers. But she was lying if she said it didn't effect her. He leaned out, tugging onto her arm and drawing her near. His head on her tummy and his arms about her waist. He began to cry softly into her stomach, begging for her forgiveness. 

This was weird.

"No need." She remarked, pushing him from off of her. "Get dressed."

"Y/N! Wait, we need to talk about this." He started, trying to tug her back into his embrace. She convinced herself that genuinely didn't care who he had sex with, she just escaped the League. She had much more important things to focus on. She knew she had to go to the heroes soon, but the fear of her brother being punished or jailed was way too great.

"No, we don't Bakugou." She sighed, rubbing her temples. She flopped onto the foot of her bed, the smell of sex permeating through the room and her blankets.

"We need to get you to a hospital." He said, tugging his clothes on.

"No, please see yourself out." She voiced, only her head started to spin. The last thing she heard was Bakugou calling her name and a dull thud.


"How are you feeling?" A voice woken her up had asked, she recognized it as her friend Shoto. She was in a hospital of sorts, a small group of her friends around her. She was upset that she was here, that meant that the heroes knew what was going on, but she was grateful that her friends cared enough about her.

"How long was I out?" She asked, her voice hoarse and creaky.

"Only a few hours, why didn't you call us?" Bakugou asked.

"Wasn't thinking. Wait how did you guys know where to find me?"

"Hey dude." Denki laughed, stepping from around them, leaning over and grabbing her, pulling her into a tight hug, her earlier thought of him not paying attention had faded.

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