Author's Note

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Hello There
Hi Everyone and welcome to my very first Ninjago Fanfiction. I've never written on Wattpad, so this is very new for me.
Nevertheless, I am so excited to be sharing my stories with other people who share my interests and I hope you enjoy what I have to offer in future.

Please be sure to read and share my stories. On top of that I would really appreciate it if you could vote and comment on my stories.
I love hearing and receiving feedback on my work (can't get enough) and would like to hear what you have to say.
I take compliments, constructive criticism and even hate comments. (It just shows you have an emotional passion for my work)
So I hope we can go on this adventure together.

About the Author
My name is Captain Phoenix. I'm just a simple man trying to make his way in the galaxy.
But in all seriousness, I love writing  and figured this would be a good place to let that out.
I also have a YouTube channel. Which I highly recommend you all check out. It's under the same name "Captain Phoenix".
As said, I love writing and thought I would have a go at writing fanfiction. I love to take characters from a show or movie and continue their story while simultaneously putting them through hell.
I give them nice little story arcs which I treat as head canon. I try to give my stories deep themes to show not everything is black and white but that's for you to decide how good they are.

Asking for forgiveness
I know I'm not the best writer. Hell, my first story probably has a hundred things wrong with it. I hope you can bear with me. I hope to improve on my writing as time goes on.
Another thing is sticking to canon. I know some of you are the biggest nerds out there and know everything about a show or movie. Please don't get mad if I get some details wrong.
(Though we can have a discussion in the comments.)

When do I write? How long do I update?
As a guy still in school, I can't promise I will upload frequently. I will try to upload every week or two and try to be consistent.
I will also be alternating with every project of mine so I don't become stagnant and monotonous. Meaning one week could be Star Wars, the next Ninjago and then Minecraft Story Mode before the cycle starts again.
So please be understanding as I try to make my schedule work for me as I do have other things to do.

Other Projects

As said, I have a YouTube channel, so please go check that out.
I am also working on other projects of mine, which I highly recommend you check out.

The first is a Star Wars Fanfiction that focuses on Jedi knight, Ezra Bridger as he time travels to the past. All the way back to the events of Revenge of the Sith.

The second is a Minecraft Story Mode fanfiction that takes place after the events of season two and the B-team have to save the day since Jesse left. (Will also include OC)

I hope you guys enjoy and I hope I can deliver.

Thank you.

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