reintroduction & recap.

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Before I start this book off, I'm pretty sure we ALL remember what happened last season, but if you are unclear you can reread the book.

The new season, which will be renamed with a new book cover will be coming out around next week. Last season I just winged it and I didn't expect it to blow up that much lol.

But I have read through you guys comments, and I have decided to put a lot of work into this. The book will have a different timeline, but bits & pieces from the past timeline will still be mentioned.

Cast and setting will be changed, and so will the plot. Things are shifting.

I will be introducing the new/old cast in the next chapter, but a prologue will be out sometime next week. I'm working 2 jobs, so forgive me if I am a bit off, I be tired y'all. 😭

But to everyone who has helped me het this far, I cannot thank y'all enough cause I literally dream of being a writer and this is the closest I have gotten, I genuinely appreciate all the feedback so I can improve the book. ❤️

new book title & cover.

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