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⚠️*strong language used please skip this chapter if you are not comfortable with that*⚠️
-Y/N's POV-
My head skin feels cold...where am I? Maybe if I try to open my eyes...(her eyes fluttered as she woke up to a dark room) Where am I...? Wait there's someone there... "H-hey who are you?" Why did I I scared? "That's none of your business now shut up girl" the mysterious man said...well I think it was a man...but why am I here..? "W-w-where am I and why am I here..?" "Didn't I tell you to shut up! You'll have to learn your lesson!" The man said walking towards me. When he stepped into the light I saw him..he had a mask on. He was tall around 6'0 if I do believe then I felt it he slapped stung my skin then he kicked the chair I was tied to over and I hit the cold concrete floor. Then when I looked down my hero costume was gone...I was wearing an old nightgown it was tattered and worn. "Have you learned your lesson you slut" the man spat as he talked. I have to stay silent or he might do something worse...the door opened and I saw a father. "Well well well isn't it the little wannabe hero" my father said in his stoic voice. "F-father" "what? I've got money to collect. I'm not here to reminisce about the good old days. Bitch" my father spat..those words...they hurt me.  "W-where I-is mother..?" I asked hoping for an answer "she's taking care of some unfinished business" my father said.
-Meanwhile with Hawks-
-Hawks POV-
"What's going on here?" I asked as I walked into a meeting at UA. I was summonsed. "Y/N has been reported missing." Nezu stated. Wait she's been reported missing...? "What can I do to help" why do I care I barely know the girl. "Fly over the area she was taken and report back here if you see anything suspicious." Nezu stated once more. "Ok I'm on it" I said..then I took off...she must have been taken when she walked into that ally yesterday.
-Y/N's POV-
There were other men in here now. They are all big and strong they look to be body guards. My hands are father knows my quirk better than anyone. Well besides Kahano but we won't have to worry about her saying anything. "LET ME GO" I screamed. Id had enough these people are insane! "Shut the fuck up before we make you." One of the men said. "You'll regret that." I stated..those were empty threats. I can't do anything with my hands bound. "Ok you little slut let's see you try" the man states as he started to walk towards me. Oh no what did I do...? That's when he leaned down and picked the chair and me up and sat it back down up right. "Let's dance" he said at he took out a whip and hit me over and over again until I started to bleed. "My my aren't you a strong one" the man said while still whipping me. Every hit stung more than the blood vibrant and flowing. Then the pain stopped. "Give me the salt" the man demanded..What's he going to d—"AHHHHH" I screamed he rubbed the salt on my open bleeding hurt so bad I wanted it to end....I have no strength. "The buyer  is here" my father said. Buyer? He sold his own child...the buyer stepped into the light it was a short woman. My father called her Relana. "She's a beauty and she'll fetch a high price but to bad the hero's are on us" she said. The hero's..they are coming for me....all I can remember are those vibrant vermillion wings that now brought comfort even tho I don't know him well...the I felt that stinging pain again then everything went black....

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