Im Home

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•Hawks POV•
After two long weeks of searching and giving up she's finally come home. Oh she's waking up. "Doctor!" I yell. He came in the room right as she woke up. "My my she has awoken. How are you feeling miss Y/N?" The doctor asked. "Where am I...who are you?" Y/N asked sounding confused which is ok. "Oh where are my manners I'm Doctor Lewis and you are in the hospital. You had suffered a concussion,malnutrition,and severe wounds on your back there will be a couple of scars but the rest should heal in no time. You also have a couple broken ribs too." The doctor said. "Oh...How long until I can go back to UA?" She asked. "Well the ribs should take about a week and with extra rest and getting you back in good shape should take about two weeks at the least" the doctor said. "You can start attending classes after a week but no fighting until the second week is up." Doctor Lewis stated. "Oh ok...." she said sadly.  "Well I must attend some other patients so I'll be off. You'll be out of the hospital in three days time" the doctor said while walking out the door. "Why are you here...?" She asked me. "I was uhh put in charge of you since your punishment was to be my intern for your last internship in UA" I said. Well I was off guard. What a weird question. "Have you caught them...?" She asked in a dull tone. "We have the men that were chasing you but that's it we can't find out who the mastermind is no matter how hard we try." I said answering her question. "My father and a woman named....Relana I do believe are the masterminds..." she said sounding upset. "He sold me to Relana and that damn witch tried to sell me to a creepy old man in America but I mustered up what strength I had left and I made a run for it." She stated in an angry and dull tone. "Well we know your father how about the Relana woman do you know her last name?" I said. "No the wretch has no last name due to my understanding they never even call her Relana I don't even know if that's her name." She said in a frustrated tone.  "Well you'll be out in three days time. But I must go to get this information to the station. Cya Kid." I said giving my farewells. "Yeah...Goodbye Hawks" she said in an even duller tone.
-Time skip-
•three days later•
~Y/N's POV~
Well after three long days in this empty room with only my memories of that horrid place due to all the doctors questions. I didn't want to answer them but I must. They must pay...They must feel the pain they made me feel during those long dreadful two weeks. I knew my family couldn't be trusted I wanted to trust them...but they've ran out of chances. (Flash Back)
"People make mistakes we are all human." Kahano said. "But they...They took teddy!" Y/N screamed "THEY RIPPED OF TEDDYS HEAD!!!" Y/N once more screamed in tears as She ran away. "When will she learn people deserve second chances...even the most cruel people have their stories..." Kahano said talking to herself. -Five minutes later- "there you are." Kahano said looking over at her younger sister. "Why would they do that..." Y/N said still crying..."people are cruel sometimes but we can buy you a new teddy." Kahano said. "Give those kids a second chance. Show them some kindness." Kahano said once again in her kind,soothing,Angelic voice. "O-okay sissy..." Y/N said still sniffing "now legs go get a new teddy!" Kahano said while watching her little sisters eyes light up.
(End of Flash Back)
-Y/N's POV-
What should I do Kahano I've given them so many chances but here we are...He..He sold me! How can I forgive that! I can't and I won't! At this point I'm just waiting for the doctor to come with my stuff..."here you go Mrs. L/N you stuffs in the bag. Do you need some assistance getting dressed I can send a nurse in if so." Doctor Lewis said in a sweet caring voice. "I should be okay thank you" I said being polite as he's taken care of most of my needs due to Hawks orders. We Barley know each other why is he being so caring...well that's besides the point I need to get back to UA I've been out for almost 3 weeks.
-After walking to UA-
-Y/N's POV-
Ahhh I'm happy to be back. Maybe I could see Oachako-Chan today! But first I need to get back to my dorm and settle in due to principal Nezus orders. Let's go! After walking what felt like a mile...Ugh these stupid ribs! Wait who's that infront of the dorm building...? As I got closer I could see who it is.... "what are you doing here"....

A/N: well this is Chapter 15! I hope you are enjoying this story so far! And don't worry there will be some romance coming here soon. Who do you think the mysterious person is??? And I do apologize for the last few chapters being confusing I am under a lot of stress. So my writing is all jumbled and confusing But I am trying really hard to fix that and all of my little mistakes! If I do happen to make any grammatical errors or anything of that sort please feel free to correct me on that. And I will try to fix it as soon as possible! I have so many ideas for the next upcoming chapters so I hope you will stick around! But if you do not like this story or don't want to continue this story then that's okay I understand whole heartedly! But back to this if you have ideas for the story please do leave them and I'll try to I incorporate them into the story since you are Y/N I would love to hear some of your subjestions! I love you all have a great rest of your day Bye-Bye❤️

~The Feathers Of Fate~ (Hawks x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now