how it started

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to talk about me, I mean everybody already does at hog warts but I suppose they see the exterior of everything and never what happens on the inside

Anyways where to begin, my name is blue Briggs and this is how I met, hated and fell in love with my soulmate... while kissing a few frogs along the way to find my... Prince

I felt my body literally explode with nerves, I mean I am over reacting a little I didn't actually explode but it sure felt like it was going to happen at any point. This muggle train station sure was crowded and- oh bloody hell ive only gone and lost my mother and father in the crowd. Great. Just great. Not only am I in the muggle world for the very first time but I'm now alone.

Sounds of loud and fast paced footsteps emitted from sources behind me and as I turned I saw standing there my second family, well they aren't my actual family mum and dad have just always been so close to the notorious red hair clan since they could remember and in turn so was i.
"Blue!!" Bellowed Molly while hobbling over to suffocate me in an excruciating yet gentle hug if that's even a thing? "Hi Molly!-" and as I went to greet my best friends I was met with the sarcastic duo. The Fred and George weasley "your not going to hug us then!" "What a great best friend you are!" I giggled to myself and hurried over to hug them while they completely towerd over me. to my left stood Ginny, she was a year younger than me but still remained to be as close as the others. And finally there stood Ron "Ronald Billius Weasley" - he hated when I used his full name let alone speak of his middle name. "Bugger off will you with that Blue fromage Briggs" okay 1. I also hated the use of my middle name since it literally translated to 'cheese' harmonising grossly with my first name (blue cheese) 2. I don't even know what my parents were thinking with that apparently it was a dare from their friend, mooney I think they called him ; mum wasn't too happy but dad just said "a dares a dare" followed up closely by my mum murmuring "typical Mooney" I'm pretty sure this guy is my god father but the last time I saw him.. well I can't remember to be honest.

As we finally caught up with mum and dad on the platform, which the way we even go into the platform left me in awe of that bloody wall that literally disappeared somehow before my eyes, we were all stood waiting for what felt like 10 hours for Molly and my mum to stop rambling on about something and eventually boarded the train and waved goodbye. I sat next to Ron of course, he was my best friend ever since we were little and was even my first crush; we were also accompanied by a boy called Harry and to be specific Harry bloody potter he seemed really nice and bought us a load of sweets from the lovely lady with the trolley!

Ron ate the lot as usual.

We were then chatting about houses we wanted to get sorted into, Ron immediately piped up and rambled on about how amazing Gryffindor was and how he would never return home if he got sorted into any other house and to be specific - slytherin. I didn't know much about the houses, sure my mum and dad always brought it up when talking about when they were younger but I didn't pay much attention to the attributes of each of them; however I noticed Ron and now a girl who randomly waltzed in on us looking for a toad or something were ripping a house called "slytherin" to pieces, slandering it for the type of people who would be in it.

I ignored them as I dazed off into the landscapes outside the train passing by, but still engaging in the group who I suddenly felt such a warmth to my heart at hoping that life would stay like this forever and had a gut feeling that we were going to be best friends.

I just hoped we would all be in the same house.


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