how it went wrong

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I started to really like the bushy haired girl, hermionie although she bombarded us three with facts she had read while we walked to the great hall , I still liked her though; besides I loved knowledge my parents always said I would be in ravenclaw because of my intelligence but I hoped I would be put into gryffindor like them.

My mom and dad always reminisced on their time at hogwarts, talking about their friends Mooney worm tail padfoot and prongs; even though they rambled on about this stuff every night I loved  to hear about it because they made going to school sound like a dream - my dads nickname was claws (something to do with cats I always thought it was kinda weird that they had these weird nicknames for each other, maybe it was to do with their favourite animal or something)

As soon as we stepped into the castle I felt my heart over whelm with emotions, this is what I had been waiting for all my life this is what I'd been dreaming about all my life and now I'm finally here. To my left yet again I had hermionie babbling about the ceiling, i didn't mind because I already read hogwarts a history... 4 years ago. and in front my red haired best friend and Harry (hopefully soon my best friend too) led the way. The gleaming ambiance of the whole room was atmospheric along with the incredible floating candles brightening the room leading the way for my fellow first years; sure I was pretty nervous to stride in the hall in front of the older kids but I wasn't scared because soon I would have been sorted into my house and sat with my new friends.

"SLYTHERIN" my heart palpitated faster as I heard those words and a ice white haired boy cockily swaggered past me (who had a few moments ago been terribly arrogant to Harry and my friends) "god I'm bloody nervous" Ron whisperd into my ear as hermionie reassured, well sort of boomed at him "oh honestly Ronald you will be fine just be quiet" I snickered as Ron rolled his eyes and giggled as he shot up with fear as the grey haired lady called his name.

"GRYFFINDOR" yelled the professor and I clapped excessively for my friend since it was his dream to be put into gryffindor although I still don't understand why people really care about houses,  but one thing I do now know is that slytherin is bad news, hufflepuff is for the "wusses", ravenclaw is for the "smartie pants" and gryffindor is for "the best ones" as abruptly worded by my mischievous ginger best friends aka. Fred and George while on our way to hogwarts earlier today.

"blue Briggs!!" My heart stopped, no I thought stop over thinking this you will be perfectly fine it's just a house it means nothing. But what if you get put in slytherin? No shut up blue it will all be okay, no one in my family  has ever been anything other than gryffindor house (other than my grandma who was a ravenclaw) therefore nor will I. I am kind, caring, intellig-


I froze, I didn't know what to do. I just sat there staring straight ahead of me, what else should I do? Maybe I could run for it, or even steal a broom! No i don't even know where they put them here besides I don't want to get a criminal record at the age of 11. "Off you go blue" the lady said with a face almost of.. no not shock, but horror. I don't think she would be scared of me but I suppose she must have known my parents when they were here and known that this was surely a mistake.

The deafening sound of the table full of students with green embellishments on their robes almost blinded my sight of my three new friends staring at my soul, well that's what it felt like. They looked as if I had just said the M word, or as if screamed in a library, I made my way over to my fellow house members and was greeted surprisingly with handshakes - not from the girls, no they were cold but the boys sure did and I was shocked since they glared at anyone that wasn't sly-

And then it hit me, I had just been sorted into slytherin; it hit me that this was irreversible, that I had to go home and say "hey mum and dad how do you feel about your loving daughter being sorted into the house that's produced the most evil witches and wizards?" I sat there pondering in disbelief that the bloody hat could have put me in any other house I would have even taken hufflepuff any day over this one; I get I said houses don't matter but after I've heard everything my three friends, well maybe not anymore, have said about this house I'm most worried that they won't want to speak to me ever again.


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