The End

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Derek and I never got together. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm so so so glad we didn't. I'm now so happily in love with my best friend (which I call my Ew *wink wink*)and we've been together for eight months! He makes me so happy and I could not be more grateful that things happened the way they did. The truth is, I'm so happy for Derek for whatever relationship he's in right now if he is. I used to slide my way into his life in any way I possibly could, I would look at his Instagram all the time wishing I was with him. He stood me up, didn't give me acknowledgement, and at one time, his girlfriend even catfished me pretending to be one of his friends which he was aware of but let her do it anyway.  But the guy that I'm with now told me a long time ago about Derek that he wasn't a good person and that he was a d o u c h e and that I deserved better. I told Derek in a not very obvious way and the rejection was just what I needed to move on, it was never about the reciprocated love, it was about the closure, and I closed the chapter a long while ago, and now I'm closing this story. I thought it was only fair to share with you the end results. Thanks for those of you who supported me through this story! 

Love, Dez. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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