The New Age

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"So, do you hear that Summer and Ryan are coming back this weekend?" Seth said, stirring his cup of coffee before taking a sip. 

Marissa rinsed the bottles down in the sink and leaned down on the counter where Seth was. "Of course, though I'm sure Sum's coming because she heard about the camera crew down here." Her eyes darted toward outside the diner; people carrying professional camera equipment walking back and forth all day. 

She sighed and remembered how she was supposed to be on a boat with her father, but that was short-lived as her father barely even showed up. Now there she was, not even a few weeks later, coming back to Newport and getting a job in the diner. The only other person who knew about her arrival back in town was Seth; that was because he was the only one who stayed behind. Both of them ended up accompanying each other; be it to the movies or just him showing up at the diner talking all about how he couldn't wait to go with Summer next year. 

"Newport's been really quiet these days, let those people rule over it," Seth commented. 

Marissa nodded, agreeing. "You're right," She replied, walking away to the fridge and checking up milk cartons as suggested in a text by her manager. As it turned out decent, she strolled back to Seth. "Any updates on what time we should pick them up at the airport?" She asked. 

The door to the diner was pushed open after that, revealing a petite-looking girl yet toned as shown by suitcases that she carried all by herself. Marissa grinned immediately after that, walking out of the counter, pulling the girl in an embrace. "Summer! I thought you weren't going to come until like, well, days later," She said as she broke away from the hug, tugging a smile at the corner of her lips. 

"Yeah well, who doesn't like surprises, right?" Summer shrieked, her eyes moved toward the guy next to Marissa. "Cohen! I've missed you," She stated, reaching her arms out to lean closer and plant a kiss on the guy's lips. 

Marissa rolled her eyes at the sight, being pushed aside forcibly to the counter. When they finally broke away from each other, she spoke. "So, are you going to tell us all about college and don't even try, leave out the guys," She remarked. 

"I'm standing right here guys." Seth huffed, throwing Marissa a side glance. 

"Okay first, I'm starving," Summer walked away from Marissa and Seth, into one of the empty stools before the counter. "What's my favorite independent, working best friend's recommendation?" She asked.

Forming a thin-lipped smile across Marissa's face, she made her way back behind the counter. "Wow, Sum, college has certainly changed you that you forgot what they serve in this diner," She mocked. 

"Fine, fine, fine," Summer said. "I'll have whatever, just give me something." 

Nodding, Marissa marched out in the back to find and tell the cooks about the order. Then, she appeared in Summer and Seth's vision once again carrying a plate full of burger and fries, lying out before Summer. 

"Only the best for my best friend," Marissa uttered. 

"Thanks," Summer said, taking fries into her mouth. "So, what do you guys do around here when I'm not?" She asked. 

"Nothing much really, just working," Marissa chipped in when she saw that Seth was about to speak. 

Summer nodded, "You know, I'm glad that you didn't go along with the boat idea cause who's going to take care of this baby right here?" She said, patting Seth on the shoulder. 

"Ha ha, very funny, Summer," Seth quipped. 

The bell dinged, Marissa turned around to see that there were orders laid out, ready to be taken where they were supposed to. She took all of them and left her friends to themselves for a while, giving out the customers their orders. What she thought would be a while turned out to be hours of walking back and forth of doing service - she wiped sweats dripping off of her forehead when she appeared back to her friends, finding that Summer's plate was neatly clean as she was about to go because Seth was no longer next to her. 

"Well, it looks that you're busy so I'll just see you at home?" Summer said, gathering her stuff in her purse, halfway through the door already not even waiting for Marissa to say anything back. Marissa only shrugged and took the dirty dishes that Summer left roughly, noticing that a paper flew across. Sighing, she put down the plate on the open window led to the kitchen, walking out of the counter to pick it up, noticing that it belonged to Summer. But when her eyes looked over at it, she realized that there were more reasons as to why her best friend was back early. 

Marissa's shift was finally over and she dropped her bag in the car, starting the engine. Driving out of the parking lot, she drove faster down the road, thanking everyone that the TV people had left the scene by the time her shift was over. She was still living in Summer's house as her mother was still married to Dr Roberts - and from what she'd seen so far, she didn't think that they'd have any divorce any time soon. They were just too happy it was almost nauseating. 

As she reached the house, she jumped out of the car, into the house. Her eyes looked around the first floor, noticing that there was no one as both her parents were still on a honeymoon somewhere, she went up the stairs to throw her bag anywhere on the bed. Summer was lying on the bed as she peeked earlier from the bathroom, headphones covering her friend's ears, she made it to Summer's room with a piece of paper in her hand. 

"What's this?" Marissa asked, taking off Summer's headphones as the paper fell in front of her friend's face. 

"Hey, I was listening to that, how rude!" Summer squealed, but then her eyes caught the sight of the piece of paper did her expressions change. "Where did you get this?" She asked, looking down on the paper. 

"You dropped it earlier," Marissa crossed her arms over her chest, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Summer, are you failing, is that why you came in early?" 

"You're not supposed to see that," Summer lowered her tone, avoiding Marissa's gaze on her. 

"Sum, what's going on?" Marissa asked. 

Long pause fell between them. Summer brushed through her hair, letting out a heavy sigh. "I'm not planning to come back to college after this semester." She revealed, looking right through Marissa's eyes. 


"Don't tell my father first though, cause he's going to be so furious and I don't think I'm ready for that. Also, do you know how hard classes are in college?" Summer blurted. 

Marissa was at a loss for words, grimacing, before letting out another word. "What does Seth think?" 

"He's actually the only person that I stuck for at least one semester and not drop out after a few weeks," Summer declared. "I don't know, I mean, I applied for him and don't think that it's for me anymore." 

"Well, what are you gonna do now?" 

"I did do one class that I really liked in that school, and it was theater, so when you texted me about this place crawling with TV people, I just couldn't wait to get here," Summer paused. Marissa kept her gaze fixating on the girl in front of her, waiting. "I think I'm going to try out for an audition." 


Author's Note: Summer stans don't @ me because I think her choosing the environment route was purely because she lost someone. And she dropped out of school anyways, so... Also, it makes sense though because there was a scene in season 3 where Summer was doing a narration by herself in her room where Marissa caught her. Anyhow, tell me about your thoughts so far! <3 

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