(Not A) Monster

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Gamzee, Eridan, and Vriska's version of Monster by BigBang

It's been a wwhale since we talked last
You're still so beautiful...
You got prettier, you wwere alwways lovvely in my eyes...

BuT ToDaY YoU LoOk mOtHeRfUcKiNg dIfFeReNt
YoU LoOk vErY CoLd, AcTuAlLy...
YoUr eYeS LoOkInG At mE...ArEn't tHeY BlAnK?
In fRoNt oF YoU, i FeEl sO MuCh sMaLlEr

I wanted to 8e fine, longed to change the su8ject
8ut I had so much I wanted to ask you...
You cut me off so quick..
Your 8lue eyes 8urning...

Your hair hit my cheek and flowwed awway
As you turned awway and left
If I tried to catch you here, wwould that be too desperate?

NoThInG FuCkInG CoMeS To mInD
YoU TrEmBlE, tHeN TaKe a sTeP, tHeN AnOtHeR, bAcK
YoU SaY ThAt i sCaRe yOu nOw
YoU'Re sCaReD...bEcAuSe i wEnT CrAzY NoT LoNg aGo

I think I like you John, and I'm not a monster
I just told you how I was in the past
8ut as time passes, it's all disappeared
Then may8e you'll understand

I need you John, I'm not a monster
You know me now so why are you leaving?
Even if you choose to throw me away...
I'm not a monster...

No mAtTeR WhAt hApPeNs tO Us
WhEn wE'Ee sAd, WhEn wE'Re hApPy, LeT'S Be fOrEvEr
DoN'T TaLk aBoUt tOmOrRoW

LeT'S LoVe lIkE ToDaY Is tHe lAsT

A wworld wwithout you is like imprisonment
An extinction from all hope to the point wwhere I'll go crazy
Your existence helps soothe me, though noww it's a repetition of pain
You're keepin a lingerin attachment to my heart

The trolls on this meteor have turned their 8acks to me
Their faces all twisted up, hate in their eyes
8ut, actually...my greatest pain...
Is that you 8ecame the same as them once you knew...

I MoThErFuCkInG LoVe yA TaVbRo, I'M No mOnStEr
YoU KnOw hOw i wAs bEfOrE AlL ThIs
As tImE PaSsEs, DoN'T LeT ThAt DiSaPpEaR...
TaVrOs pLeAsE...DoN'T LeT Go...

I NeEd yA TaVbRo, I'M No mOnStEr
YoU KnOw mE So dOn't fUcKiNg lEaVe
YoU CaN'T JuSt tHrOw mE AwAy, I'Ll gO NuTs...
I'M NoT A MoNsTeR...Am I?

Don't go, don't go, don't go, don't leavve me
Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, it's not like you
Gettin farther awway, lovve is breakin apart

Don't find me, don't find me, don't find me, don't look for me
The last, last, last talk we had
with me telling you...Remember that...please...don't forget me

I lovve you Fef, I'm not a monster
You knoww howw I wwas in the past
It can't all disappear, can it?
Maybe noww you'll knoww that...

I need you Fef, I'm not a monster
You knoww me! You can't leavve like this...
Evven if you throww me awway, unwwanted...
I'm not a monster

I think...I'm sick, I think I'm sick...

I think...I'm sick, I think I'm sick...

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