The Legend of Bali Strait

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Once upon a time there was a famous Brahman who lived in Daha, East Java. His name was Sidhi Mantra. He was very patient, chaste, and he obeyed Siva's commandments right away. People said that he could be the mode of other Brahmans in his era. Moreover, the gods gave him a very beautiful wife and a lot of propety. Unfortunately, he had no children for a long time, so he prayed to the gods asking for a son. After that, his wife really gave a birth to a child; and he named his new-born son Manik Angkeran.

Bad luck! When Manik Angkeran was growing up, his conduct was very far from his father's. He liked gambling very much. It made his father's property vanish. Sidhi Mantra was very sad. Through ascesticism he tried to get his property back. When he lived as an ascetic, suddenly he got a vision that he should go easward until he reached the foot of Mount Agung in Bali, which was still united with Java. There was a lot of hidden treasure there, guarded by a dragon called Naga Besukih. Sidhi Mantra asked Naga Besukih for apart of the hidden treasure, and he succeeded in getting it.

Sidhi Mantra felt very happy because he could give everthing which was demanded by his beloved son. Unfortunately, Manik Angkeran did not stop gambling. He had much det. and again he asked his father for money. Sidhi Mantra still gave him whatever he wanted because he really love his son. When he asked Naga Besukih for another part of the hidden treasure again, Naga Besukih also gave it to him. But Manik Angkeran was too greedy. He was not satisfied with his father's gift. He wanted to look for the hidden treasure himself. He tried to find where it was. He finally managed to meet Naga Besukih itself because of his perseverance. He asked Naga Besukih a part of the hidden treasure just like his father. Naga Besukih, knowing about his bad conduct, he refused his request.

When Naga Besukih was turning its body around in order to leave him, Manik Angkeran saw many diamonds around his tail. Suddenly Manik Angkeran cut that tail with his kris, took it, and tried to escape. But the dragon having supernatural power, could cacth him and killed him at once.

Knowing that, Sidhi Mantra asked Naga Besukih kindly to bring his son back to life. On the other hand, Naga Besukih requested a condition from Sidhi Mantra; he had to connect the cut tail with its body. Sidhi Mantra fulfilled it and then Manik Angkeran got his life back. When Sidhi Mantra was going back to Daha, he forbade his son to follow. He ordered Manik Angkeran to stay somewhere near Mount Agung. In order to give him barricade, Sidhi Mantra lined the earth with his sacred cane. That long line separated Java and Bali. The water from South Sea began to go northward along that line. Finally, it became Bali Strait and has lasted up to now.

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