5✧Breaking the ice a little

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After noticing Chenle's presence in the room, Ara looked at the boy and saw him staring at them with a blank expression.

"Uh I- I.. came to take some... clothes..." Chenle stuttered when he saw Jisung also look at him... with sympathy. He didn't like it but also didn't know what to do about it.

Ara stood up frantically. "O-Oh, do you have clothes with you? I can tell Jisung to give you some–" She was worried about Chenle hearing their conversation, that it'd probably hurt the boy.

"No.. ma'am I have clothes with me.." Chenle slowly made his way to his luggage and squatted down in front of it. He then took out some clothes, stood up and bowed at them quickly before making his way back to the bathroom again.

After Chenle was out of sight, Jisung spoke up. "He called you ma'am? He bowed?"

"Told you he'll need a lot of time to adjust and get along. But it's actually what's expected of Mei's son, she's quite disciplined, no wonder Chenle is too." Ara looked back at her son. "Now help me in the kitchen or.. you can make the breakfast."

"The 2nd option sounds better." Jisung smiled at his mom and stood up.

"By the way, I'm telling you... a secret! Do not tell anyone. DO NOT, not even dad." Jisung paused and then continued when he felt his mother's curious gaze at him. "I- I.." he started looking in other directions, avoiding his mom's eye contact, fiddling with his fingers.

"You what?" Ara spoke impatiently after a while.

"I- it's just.. he's kinda.. cute!"

Ara smiled at her son brightly and made him look up at her by holding onto his chin.

"Take care of him well, hmm?"

Jisung nodded frantically, forming a smile too.

"Now go and make the breakfast, it's already 8. Don't want him to be late."

Jisung nodded and then suddenly hugged his mother before dashing off to the kitchen.

Ara was a little shocked at the suddenness but smiled again. Then she went to open the door to fetch today's newspaper.

When the breakfast was ready, Chiwon has also came down, with suits on to just grab the breakfast and go out for his office.

"Dad I'm dropping Chenle at 'Little Suns', if you want I can drop you off to work on the way there."

Chiwon looked at his son, only to see his son smiling at him. He understood that, Chenle and Jisung has met already and Ara has assigned Jisung to drop Chenle off at his college.

He then turned to Chenle, and asked, "You really go to Little Suns?"

Chenle was a little embarrassed. For sure he'd be, Little Suns was a really well known medical institute, the 2nd best,  well known for having both a hospital and an institute for people to study to become doctors. The only hospital like this in the city and neighbouring cities.

Chenle nodded slightly, his focus on the food.

"I feel proud." Chiwon stated. Chenle couldn't say anything, he only continued eating.

Chiwon smiled and looked back at his son and mumbled a small thank you (as his son would drop his off to his office). And they all continued their breakfast.

Jisung sat on the driver's seat, Chiwon sat at the passenger seat and Chenle sat at the middle row in the back, all to himself.

After starting the engine, Jisung looked at Chenle through the rearview mirror and asked, "So Little Suns we go?"

Chenle was taken aback at first because of Jisung's booming voice inside the car but then nodded his head, also looking at the rearview mirror.

"To Little Suns we go" Jisung smiled at their eye contact through the mirror as  he mumbled and drove off. His father quietly chuckled sensing his son's childishness, sitting on the passenger seat. The man was also happy that Jisung would also have a friend after so long, but if only Chenle wants that is.

After driving for almost 20 minutes, Jisung first dropped his dad off to his office. Good thing his dad's office was on the way to Little Suns. Then he drove off to the college (/hospital) after bidding a bye to his dad, saying he'd pick him up in the evening too.

After driving for more 10 minutes, they reached the institution.

Both of them got off the car and Jisung approached Chenle in a hurry as the boy was already walking towards the gate.

"Hey umm..." Jisung started.

Hearing Jisung's voice Chenle turned around to look at him with a puzzled look on his face.

"Umm.. if you don't mind, can we share numbers so you can text me later so I can pick you up.." Jisung said in one go.

Chenle nodded and held out his phone to Jisung. It was an old model of Samsung, the screen having many scratches and broken at some places. Worst state of a phone Jisung had ever seen.

Jisung looked at the phone for a while then at Chenle who was looking down at the ground, Jisung looked back at the phone again before taking it and then saving his number in it.

He then handed it back to his owner and spoke again when Chenle looked up at him, "Text me when you're done, I'll pick you up, study hard." He smiled at the boy.

Chenle nodded and mumbled a small 'thank you' before turning around to enter his college and get his lessons for the day.

When Chenle was not in his sight anymore, Jisung sighed and went to his car. He then drove off to a handset show room to buy a new phone, for Chenle.

After buying it, he felt happy. When he was home, he told his mom about it.

Ara was also happy. But she was hesitating to ask her son, if Chenle would accept the phone.

Jisung sensed it and assured his mom, that he'll manage it, but if Chenle still rejects it, he'll can wait until they become friends, then both of them went to the kitchen to prepare their lunch. After lunch, Ara helped Jisung to take Chenle's luggage to his room.



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published: 23-11-2020

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published: 23-11-2020

Words: 1048

first chapter reaching 1000+ words :)

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