Chapter One

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It was late evening, freshman Beverly Ashmore having joined some of her classmates on a college field trip. She was seated towards the back of the bus, having taken a window seat, fellow freshman and best friend Andrew sat next to her. She hadn't taken as well to the rest of the group, so she'd naturally drifted towards keeping close to Andrew.

The pair sat in a comfortable silence, Beverly staring out the window at their passing surroundings, letting out a slight yawn. "You alright?" Andrew had asked in response. 

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little worn out, it's been a long day." She answered, still gazing out the window.

"Well, it can't be too much farther now." He said simply, directing a reassuring smile at her. Then that silence settled back in, aside from Taylor and Daniel nattering between themselves, who were sat a few seats in front.

"How long have you been sober now?" Angela was conversing with their college professor, John. "About three months." The professor responded. Beverly had stopped paying attention to the rest of the conversation, more focused on trying to keep herself from falling asleep on the bus. What had peaked her attention was what Angela had said next.

"We're going the wrong way!" The older woman had started to complain loudly.

 "Angela relax, we're fine, it's just a quick detour." John tried to reason with her calmly.

"This is not fine, John!" She snapped back just as loudly. The argument had also caught the bus driver's attention. "Can you please keep it down?" He'd taken his eyes off the road for a brief moment to address the group.

The sudden movement of the bus tipping sideways as the driver swerved had jolted Beverly wide awake, resulting in her clutching onto Andrew as the bus completely toppled over and crashed in the middle of the road.

When she had come to, all she could hear was Daniel's voice. "Hey, you still with us?" She hadn't answered her classmate's question straight away, in shock after the bus crash, her vision still a little blurry for a moment. "Y...yes..." She stammered once her sight had properly adjusted, Daniel helping her up off the ground.

She'd still been feeling a little dizzy, but she figured that would pass, several cuts and gashes adorning her arms from the crash. The next bit of movement had come from Angela, who Daniel had also helped up off the ground. "And are you doing ok?" He asked the older woman as he pulled her to her feet. 

"I'm absolutely fine. What even happened anyway?" She responded, following her answer up with a question. Beverly just stayed silent, leaning against some rocks while she waited for the dizziness to pass. "We probably just went over a bump in the road. Don't worry, we should be fine..." He'd started trying to reassure them both. Although Angela had appeared less than grateful over Daniel's concern. "Of course we will, no need for that tone." She retorted back at him.

"Sorry, I was just trying to help..." He began before he'd been cut off again.

"I don't need it, thank you Daniel." She began to say. "Beverly looks like she needs your help more than me." Angela finished, still in that argumentative tone of voice. Once Beverly had a moment to recover a little and she was sure that the unsteadiness had passed, she walked over to the pair, continuing to stay silent.

"Hey! Is anyone up there?!" Daniel called up to the top of the road, waiting in anticipation to hear from the rest of the group, wherever they were. 

"Daniel is that you?!" John had called back, to the trio's relief, both the professor and Taylor appearing at the top. "Taylor! you ok up there?!" Daniel asked her as soon as he saw her. 

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