Chapter Eight

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A/N: Just to make everyone aware, gonna put a trigger warning here. This chapter contains attempted sexual assault, but I left it towards the end of the chapter. So if that's not something you're comfortable with reading, I understand and you can just skip over that part.


In the process of fleeing from those creatures, the group had found themselves following a trail further into the forest. Beverly had been more anxious here in the woods than she had been out on the main road, she'd been going through a mixture of emotions all night. But if there was one thing this situation made her glad about, it was the courage it had started to bring out in her that she didn't even know she had.

Not that it stopped her from being afraid, in fact, deep down she was still terrified. She was just learning to keep a better handle on it. "Keep a lookout for the girl. We have to stop her." John informed his students.

"Pretty sure she'll be back real soon." Andrew commented. He didn't speak up again until he had a theory he wanted to share. "This may sound crazy but... what if saving our doubles from execution is how we save ourselves?" He suggested. Beverly had thought in mind briefly herself for a moment, but she hadn't been sure that their doubles were even saveable in the first place. "I was only hunted after my double was killed." Angela chimed in, Andrew's theory making some kind of sense to her.

The trail eventually lead to yet again another ruined house, although this one seemed like it started falling apart a long time ago, a big chunk of the second floor missing altogether. Beverly had been fixated on all the fireflies occupying the area, before watching Andrew have a look around.  "Is anything around here not falling apart?" He sighed as he looked at a historic restoration sign, warning of the unstable structure. She'd been in agreement with him on that sentiment too.

Andrew then turned his attention to the fireflies, walking over to the front door of the ruined house. "Fireflies, that's what's causing the glow." He remarked, Daniel and Beverly coming over to join him in admiring the little bugs. "Looks kinda beautiful..." Andrew admitted, meeting Beverly's gaze. "Yeah they are, aren't they?" She agreed with a small smile.

"Kinda weird looking too." Daniel commented. Andrew then turned his gaze back to the fireflies, going to touch one when a hand grabbed onto his wrist, sending him into another flash back, Daniel and Beverly coming with him as they'd grabbed onto him in response.

The trio then found themselves face to face with Andrew's double, Abraham. This hadn't been Beverly's first time seeing him in general, but it had been her first time seeing him up close. "No... this cannot be...." Abraham had been in shock at seeing them. "My own eyes decieve me."

Andrew and Daniel had also been in some shock too, but moreso Andrew. Once the front door had started to open, the present day trio quickly stood back, in order to stay out of sight, Abraham turning his attention to whoever was behind the door. 

Although the person to open it had been John's double. "My apologies for the lateness of the hour, but I must speak with you." Abraham began, deciding to continue with what he was out here to do first. "What ails you, my friend?" Joseph asked. At least this man seemed to be on decent terms with the teen. "It is Mary, I am troubled by her, by the part she has played in these trials." Abraham answered honestly, coming to the man for advice.

"Those trials trouble us all." Joseph remarked, but didn't say anymore, to let Abraham continue to speak. "There is more to this. I saw her smile as her own sister was executed. She took pleasure from it." He explained.

"Are you certain?" Joseph asked, waiting for clarification.

"I am. But now that she speaks of guilt and remorse, it is hard not to believe her." Abraham admitted, seeming troubled by the situation. "Keep away from her, Abraham, no good can come from being with that child." Joseph suggested in response. 

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