Chapter Two

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The group continued walking up the road leading towards town until a small building came into view. As they approached it, Beverly could see just how derelict and run down the place actually looked. "There must be someone in there." John mused out loud to everyone.

"Dead or alive is the question, this place looks like it's falling apart." Angela remarked. To Beverly, there was an air about the building that made her feel a little on edge. Then out of nowhere she saw a figure moving around inside, catching her off guard and driving her to clutch onto Andrew out of instinct. "Did you see that?" She asked him nervously, still clutching onto him. He looked down at her. "What's wrong? What did you see?" He responded with a question.

"Looks like someone's home after all." John suggested. After the fact, she wasn't sure why that had even spooked her, letting go of Andrew after a moment. "I'll go take a look around." Andrew said, starting to approach the front door. "Good idea, there could be a phone inside" John agreed.

"Go ahead, we'll be right behind you." Daniel encouraged, stopping to talk to Taylor.

The rest of the group followed Andrew, but had stopped before actually going inside. "Thanks for backing me up earlier, with Taylor." John thanked Angela out of the blue. 

"You're welcome." She responded.

"Perhaps we should back off each other a little bit, everyone's a little jumpy right now." He then pointed out, Beverly nodding in agreement with the professor. She'd noticed Andrew was looking at a sign above the door with a look of confusion on his face. "Andrew...?" She trailed off, wanting to make sure he was ok. "I feel like I've seen this somewhere before." He muttered to her. She looked up at the sign to get a better look at it. "Yeah, it does seem kind of familiar doesn't it..." She admitted, like she was getting that same feeling.

"You two alright there?" John asked the pair, looking at them with a slightly concerned facial expression. "I'm sure Beverly and I have seen that sign before somewhere." Andrew answered honestly.

"Like where?" Angela questioned out of curiosity.

"It's nothing out of the ordinary." John said simply. Beverly didn't really have anything to add, she knew the professor was right and that there was nothing unusual about a beer sign, but she still had this odd feeling. "Are you alright? You look pale." Angela questioned Andrew.

"I'm concerned about you. You blacked out for a while after the crash." John spoke up again, looking at Andrew.

"Yeah, I'm not sure, I'm still a little spaced out I guess." He admitted. Beverly looked at him with a concerned look on her face, placing a hand on his forehead to get a rough check on his temperature. "You feel ok at least." She said before removing her hand. "Concussion can scramble your memory, it'll most likely come back to you." John reassured him.

They were then rejoined by Taylor and Daniel. "Are we standing out here all night or are we going inside?" She looked at the group quizzically, everyone heading inside then.

Once inside, Beverly inspected her surroundings. It looked like some kind of bar, though the inside was just as run down as the outside, a lone man sat at the bar, watching them for a brief moment as they entered. "Hey there, how are you doing?" Andrew greeted him as he approached the lone man. Though the older man didn't look back or acknowledge the group's presence. "Excuse me." Andrew began to say, this time getting the man's attention. "We're looking for our bus driver, have you seen him at all?"

"You lot are the only people I've seen all night." The man responded. However, once he looked back at the group and got a good look at Andrew and Beverly, he seemed to do a double take. "Do I know you?" He questioned after a moment. 

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