Chapter Four

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Once the trio were inside the police department, John turned to face the teens. "What do you think?" He asked them, wanting their opinions on whether they'd actually be able to find anything of use in the building. "Let's take a look around, see what we can find." Andrew responded, deciding to stay optimistic. Beverly inspected her surroundings, the inside, as expected, just as derelict as the outside. "Slim chance we'll find anything, but it's at least worth a shot." She agreed. It wasn't like they were being left with a choice at this point after all.

"There you go. We'll be on our way from Little Hope while the others are MIA in the woods." John approved of their optimism. " something up?" He asked Andrew then, concerned about the sudden spaced out look on his student's face. "Yeah. There's something kinda familiar about this place." Andrew replied.

"These small town police stations all look the same." John commented. "That's probably all it is."

And with that, they started to have a look around in other rooms to see what they could find. "There's gotta be a phone here someplace." The professor said as he left the room. Beverly still continued to stay in Andrew's vicinity, though she did break away a little bit to look at things that could be of importance or help in any way.

At first they'd found a radio, only to find it wasn't a working one when Andrew inspected it, much to the teens' dismay. "Fucking thing... thought this was our way out..." He grumbled to himself, Beverely hesitantly placing a hand on his arm for a brief moment, trying to be the one comforting him for a change. "We just have to keep looking, I'm sure we'll find something." She reassured him, the pair leaving the room to look elsewhere.

After a few minutes of searching all the rooms, they eventually found a phone. Beverly couldn't help but feel a little relieved, if only for a moment. "We have a winner! Found a phone!" Andrew called out, John rejoining them upon hearing the news.

He tried to make a call on the phone, getting frustrated when he couldn't get it to work. "The line's dead..." He fumed as he slammed the phone down. Beverly couldn't help but get a little freaked out at the professor's outburst as he angrily threw a filing cabinet onto the floor, the resulting slam startling her.

"Woah! Hey! Take it easy, professor!" Andrew stepped in to try and calm him down. "I'm thinking I know what's wrong."

"Please do share." John shot back, clearly not entirely calmed down just yet.

"There's no cable plugged in." Andrew stated, gesturing to the back of the phone. John took a moment before responding, a little calmer this time. "Right, well there has to be a cable somehwere, take another look around." He instructed as he left the room to go look for a phone cable. 

Before Andrew did anything else, he turned to Beverly to make sure she was ok, having noticed her getting worked up from the professor's outburst. "Are you alright? Saw you getting a little worked up." Andrew asked her, a concerned look on his face, waiting patiently for her response.

She nodded, staying silent for a minute while she decided on how exactly she was going to respond. "Yeah, I'll be fine. It's just... the situation is scary enough without John getting angry at every little setback." She answered honestly. Andrew shot her a reassuring smile, understanding where she was coming from. "As long as you're doing ok, now let's get looking for that phone cable, see if we can get the phone working." He told her.

And with that, the teens left the room to help the professor look for the cable. If there was one here, it was probably going to take them a while to find it. After all, it was so run down they had a lot junk to sift through before they'd find anything else useful.

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