The Water Tower

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I climbed out of my dads car. "Now if you need anything or you get scared, come and see me," he said. I looked off to my side. "I'll be right in that building," he pointed. "Hey, hey!" he snapped his fingers to get my attention, "Do you—"

"Yeah, I see it, dad," I said.
He smiled. "Good. Come and get me if you need anything,"
"You said that already."
"Well I didn't know if you heard me."
I sighed. "What's wrong sweetheart?" He asked.
"Dad," I scoffed "I mean, I'm..." I thought for a moment, then just quieted myself. "Nothing," I said. "I love you, dad." He smiled. "I love you too, Y/N. See you after work." He then drove off to the building he had been pointing to.

I sighed heavily once more. I set foot on the first step of the stairs, but stopped. I thought for a minute, and turned to look at the centerpiece of the studio. A brightly colored water tower. "Hm..." Should I? They did seem very nice, and they acted like they really enjoyed seeing me. I shook my head and continued walking up the steps. I grabbed the handles and tried my hardest to make myself open them, but I froze despite my best efforts. I looked at the tower once more, and groaned. I let go of the handles and retraced my steps, walking to the tower.

I stopped at the foot of the large tower. I looked up at it for a moment, thinking about how stupid this was. Regardless, I reached out and touched the steel bars, not really knowing what I was expecting. Suddenly, the entire top of the tower dropped to the floor, and the large Warner Bros. symbol flew open. I was then met with the trio I had seen yesterday smiling brightly at me. "Y/N!" They said in unison.

"Didn't think you'd come by~" Yakko lifted up my hand, spun me around, and put his other hand on my waist. I was never a very sensitive person, so I didn't mind people touching me, but is it just decency to tell him to back off? Before I could do anything, Dot shoved him in the stomach, making him step back. "Fair enough," he said in a raspy voice, holding his gut.

"Boys," Dot groaned. I nodded (somewhat sarcastically), and looked up at Yakko, who just smiled. I parted my hair with my fingers. Wakko then jumped into my arms. "Did you bring any candy?" he asked.

"Sure did." I pulled out a bag of red Twizzlers. "I really need to tell my dad's friend that I can't eat candy," I thought out loud. He took them from me excitedly and immediately began eating them. "So, you guys actually live here?" I peered into the tower. "Sure!" Dot said. "It's a lot bigger on the inside." Wakko just down from my arms and joined Dot in grabbing my hands and pulling me inside. Once the doors shut, I felt the tower move back up. I looked around. It really is bigger on the inside, I thought.

* * * * *

I ended up spending the whole afternoon with them. Dot experimented with my hair (which surprisingly didn't turn out to be a catastrophe), and Wakko and I played some games. The only one I didn't see much of was Yakko. He spent most of the time watching T.V. and didn't seem bothered at not spending time with me. In fact, he seemed less interested in me and more interested in hearing what his siblings had to say about me when they would talk to him. As much as my head told me I was jealous, my heart told me not to be. He cares more about his baby siblings than he does about some girl he met. That's an amazing trait to have! Though, the more I thought about, the more that made me like him, which only made me more jealous that he wasn't wanting to spend time with me. Why am I so petty!

At some point in the afternoon, I got a call from my dad.

"Hey Y/N, where are you?"
"Uh... the break room you dropped me at."
"Good, I have to work late tonight. Probably until it gets dark. Is that going to be alright?"
"Yeah, that's fine."
"Ok, good. And you're alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine."
"Alright. If you need anything, come and get me."
"Ok, bye."
"Oh, that's all? You don't need anything?"
"No, I don't. I'm fine."
"Ok, very good. Bye."

I sighed slightly, but regained my posture after Wakko and Dot jumped on me. "Who was that?" Wakko asked. "My dad. He said I get to stay for longer." I smiled. The two of them were ecstatic, but Yakko had a look of concern.

Note: Sorry for the shortness! This was kinda just to set up the next chapter 👀

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