Chapter 1

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I hated being the new kid.

I hated having my mom work 24/7 for minimum wage.

I hated being a waiter just to have most my money gambled away by Gabe.

I hated getting abused by Gabe for simply existing.

I hated when the kids at school bullied or stared at me for my bruises.

I hated not being able to go swimming in public places for having scars.

I walked into my new school. Goode High School. And so far there was nothing 'Goode' about it.

I went over to the front desk and asked for my schedule.

The woman at the front had her feet perched on her desks and didn't look away from her magazine, even to talk to me.

"Name?" She asked me.

"Perseus Jackson" I told her. My mother named me Perseus for luck. Funny how that turned out.

The lady handed me the schedule and waved me away.

I walked down the halls, trying to hide my bruised face in my blue hood.

I kept glancing at the locker numbers and the papers in my hand until someone finally came up from behind me and asked "lost Kelp Head?"

I turned around to be faced with the only friends I ever had. My two cousins, Thalia and Nico.

Their parents were brothers of my dad. My real dad.

"Hey guys! I didn't know you went here!" I said breaking into a large grin.

"Yup. So you need a hand?" Thalia asked

"Actually, yes" I handed her my schedule. She and Nico looked it over then handed it back.

Nico looked at me for a second and sighed. They were the only ones who knew. "Is it getting worse?" He asked. Thalia touched a healing gash on my cheek.

I swatted her hand away.

"Guys, it's fine. I can handle it" they shook their head, but they knew me well enough not to push it.

"Just tell us if you can't" Thalia told me, even if she knew I wouldn't.

They showed me to my locker and I put all my things in it except for the things I would be needing in first period. Then they showed me to my first class, which I had with both of them.

English. The teachers name was Mr. Blofis (Which I misheard as blowfish at first. Nico corrected me) he was nice about my ADHD and dyslexia. Plus, he didn't embarrass me in front of the whole class by making me go to the front and tell the class my life story or whatever.

Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad.

Because this year I had friends.

Because this yeah people would have my back.

Because this year I wouldn't be alone.

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