Whippet - santa

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Your POV:
It's come to that time of the year. Christmas! Yes. It's our 5th Christmas with our twins. A boy named Nathan and a girl named Maddison. The twins came home from school that day. We planned to get their Christmas lists done this evening so we could start getting the presents in.

We gave them dinner before we started the list. Once they had finished eating we let them have a little play with their toys for a bit before they got bored out of their minds. "Kids?" Ryan said to them. "As Christmas is coming up soon do you want to write your Christmas lists for Santa?" Ryan asked. "Yes please!" They both exclaimed. Ryan handed them a pen each and a piece of paper which was Christmas themed. Maddison was writing down pretty much anything. Nathan on the other hand wasn't.

After a while, Nathan handed me his list. I read through it and smile. There it was right at the top. "Aww Nathan that's really sweet." I smiled. Ryan looked confused. At the top of the list was 'A baby brother or sister'. My heart melted. "Mummy I want a baby brother or sister this Christmas." He said. "You'll have to ask daddy that one." I smiled. Nathan walked over to Ryan. "Daddy? Can we have a baby brother or sister for Christmas please?" Nathan asked. Ryan smirked. "We'll have to speak to Santa and see what he can do." He told Nathan.

The kids were in bed for the night and it was just Ryan and I. "Was Nathan being serious?" He asked taking a seat next to me on the sofa. I smiled. "I think so. He does mention it a lot." I told him. "What does Maddison think about this?" He asked. "I'm not sure. We'll have to ask her." I said snuggling up to him as we watched the tv for the rest of the evening.

A/n: this is a new small series :)

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