Singlets - leaving you - pt 1

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Your POV:
The day which I was dreading had arrived. My flight back home wasn't till late evening so I had most of the day to pack up my things and spend the final few hours with Trent. The two of us have been in a long distance relationship for nearly a year now. It's hard that we don't see one another every day but we get through it. We FaceTime the most we can but due to the time zones it's hard. I live in England so it's hard. They're 10 hours ahead of us.

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His arms were wrapped round me tightly. This is what I'm going to miss. I heard him mumble something which I couldn't quite make out what it exactly was. "Morning love." He said in his morning voice. "Morning." I replied with a smile. "Shall we get the day started?" Trent asked. "I sighed. "As much as I don't want to, let's get it done." I said. We both got out of bed and took showers, ate food and tidied along the way.

It was that time of day to actually get things done. We cleaned around his house as I insisted on doing it before we left. "Do you know what I'm going to miss the most?" He asked. I shook my head. "Waking up to you every morning and seeing you're beautiful face." He told me. My heart just melted. "I'm going to miss waking up to you too." I said walking over to him wrapping my arms around his neck loosely.

It's a few hours into the day now and I was sat on the bedroom floor packing up some final bits while trying not to cry. Trent walked in sitting next to me. He noticed the tears in my eyes pulling me into his arms. "I know. It's going to be hard but I'll come out to visit you this time. In a couple of months. We can do this y/n." He said making me sob. "I'm just being silly. It's never easy leaving you." I mumbled. "It's always hard leaving you too but we've got this." Trent said making me laugh. We both finished up packing and got ourselves ready so we could head off to the airport.

- - - -

We arrived at the airport. Trent stayed with me until my flight was called. "I don't want to leave." I said sadly. "I know baby. I don't want you to leave either but you'll be back soon." Trent said kissing the top of my head. It only felt like 5 minutes were spent together as my flight was called. It wasn't 5 minutes it was 2 hours. "I'll see you soo yeah." He said hugging me tight. I nodded my head. "Text me when you're home so I know you're safe." He added. "Will do." I said.

I hugged him tightly one last time. We shared a kiss before I walked away. "Goodbye my love. Have a safe journey and keep your head high for me." He told me making me nearly cry. "Of course baby. I love you so much." I whimpered. Trent also looked like he was going to cry too. "I love you too princess." He said walking with me slowly. I waved goodbye to Trent for the final time in who knows how long. I'm going to miss him.

A/n: i have no motivation atm so sorry for the slow updates or not so good ideas. Thank you for the idea tho!

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