Jethro - parenting

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Your POV:
The sound of my alarm went off. I woke up and stretched. "Mummy?" I heard a quiet voice say. I lifted my head up off of the pillow and saw Ari standing there. She's my daughter. She is also 4. Just turned 4 actually. Her dad is still in the picture. Jethro and I used to date. We're no longer together but we're on good terms. He has Ari during the week sometimes just to let me have a little break. She's only started to stay the nights at his and tonight is one of them.

I got out of bed and picked up Ari. "How did you sleep?" I asked as we walked towards the kitchen. "Good." She said hugging me tighter as I walked. "Shall we get some breakfast?" I asked her. "Yes!" She said as I headed into the kitchen. I made her some food and myself some before heading to the bedroom to get both of us ready for the day.

I got Ari ready for the day and let her play while I got myself ready. Once we both got ready it was time to head to Jethro's. "Come on Ari let's go to daddy's." I told her as she picked up her teddy. "Ok mummy." She said taking hold of my hand.

We walked down to Jethro's which was about 5 minutes away. I knocked on the door as we waited for him to answer. "Daddy?!" She exclaimed running into his arms. "Hey princess." He told her as picked her up. We walked in.

Ari ran off and began to play with her toys. "Do you want a drink?" He asked. "Water please." I smiled as he walked of the returned with some. "How are you?" Jethro asked as he sat on the sofa. "I'm good. How about you?" I asked. He smiled. "Great. How's Ari finding this?" He asked. I sighed. "I think she likes it. Well of course she does like this morning she was super excited to come over and stay the night and all that. I do think she likes it." I smiled making him smile.

I took a sip of my water. "We should hang out and catch up sometime." Jethro suggested. I smiled. "That sounds nice." I said. We talked for hours and spent time with Ari.

Time passed and soon it was time for me to head home. "Time for me to go." I said to the two of them. "Thanks for staying." Jethro said giving me a hug. "I'll see you tomorrow Ari." I said as we hugged and shared a small kiss. "Love you mummy." She said hugging me. I walked to the door as the two of them waved me off. I'll miss her like I always do but she's have fun.

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