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"Don't worry sweetheart I will come back for you." Tom Riddle said to his beloved child Ella. Before Tom left he had a bad feeling so he put a certain spell on his child.

Tom Riddle then made his way to Godrics Hollow to kill Lily and James Potter.

Tom approached their house. "Bombarda Maxima".

The door blew up causing James Potter to go up to it. James ran to the door and screamed.

Tom said "Avada kedavra"

James fell to the floor lifeless.

Meanwhile Lilly Potter was upstairs telling her son how much she loved him.

Tom was going up the stair and looked inside all of the rooms.

He then heard whispering we walked toward the whispering and peeked inside of a room to find Lilly Potter with a child.

Tom barged into the room and said sarcastically"Hate to ruin this beautiful moment"

Lilly begged for her son to go unharmed and kill her instead.

Tom then said "Avada kedavra". Lilly fell to the floor like James lifeless.

Tom the approached the crying baby and tried to kill him but then everything went black.



Hi hope you enjoyed this. Please keep reading!!!


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