You'll Never Tear Me Apart

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Romantic Intrulogical, platonic Intruloceit, angst (at first)
Warnings: unsympathetic!Patton, Roman, and Virgil, mild violence
Word count: 1925
Inspired by a one shot titled "In It Together" by @Dylanblackstorm

"Remus, Logan, go to your rooms!"


"NO, Logan, we've heard enough from you today! Both of you go to your rooms, I'll come get you when I've decided what to do about this."

Logan, shocked silent, glanced fearfully at Remus before sinking down into the latter's room.

Patton had found out that Remus and Logan were together. The two had been dating in secret for years, always cautious not to be seen or heard together in fear of what might happen if they were caught. They had never truly expected they would ever be discovered, but in the blink of an eye, years of carefully hidden secrets were ripped wide open.

Remus rose up in his room seconds after Logan and immediately ran toward his partner. Logan turned and pulled the other man into a painfully tight hug, holding onto his lover like it was the last time. He wasn't confident that it wouldn't be.

"What are we gonna do?" Remus asked desperately as he clung to Logan's back for dear life.

With a shaking voice, Logan admitted, "I don't know. I don't know what we're going to do. I don't know what he's going to do to us."

The pair stood silently, still held tight in each other's arms, until Remus finally whispered, "I'm scared, Logan."

Logan's heart felt as though it dropped. Remus was supposed to be utterly, chaotically unafraid of everything. Now even he, the one usually causing fright, was shaking in terror.

After a couple of silent minutes, there was a quiet knock at the door. Remus and Logan stepped back just enough to look each other in the eyes, both pairs wide with fear.

"No," Remus said firmly, stepping away from Logan. He summoned his morning star and gripped it tightly in both hands. "Not today. If he's gonna come in here and try to tell us we can't be together, he's gonna have to go through ol' Mourning first."

Remus approached the door with a fiery look in his eyes, and Logan followed close behind him. Exchanging a short nod, Logan opened the door suddenly and Remus brought his weapon down upon Patton. Except it wasn't Patton at the door.

Janus let out a long sigh from the floor, far more annoyed than hurt.

"Janus?!" Remus exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"Saving your asses, and getting mine beat for it," the injured Side sibilated, standing back up and pointedly putting his hat back on. "And for the love of the gods, would you keep it down? Patton could be here at any moment and I need to speak to the two of you."

Remus and Logan quickly stepped aside and pulled Janus into the room, shutting the door behind them.

"Apologies for striking you," Logan expressed. "We're on edge at the moment, to say the very least."

"Understandably so."

"You know what's going on?" Remus asked.

"Yes. I overheard Patton telling Roman."

"Oh shit..." Remus groaned, gripping his hair and beginning to pace. "Patton's bad enough on his own, but Roman will kill us. Like, actually kill us! Slice our heads off and hang them on his wall like deer!"

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