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Mark gently pressed his lips to Ethan's. Ethan kissed back. The pulled away once again. Ethan snuggled up to Mark. They stayed there for a moment. Neither of them wanted to move. 

There was a sudden knock on the door. Both men sighed.

"I'll get it-" they said in unison. They laughed before the house filled with more knocking sounds. 

"I'll get it," Ethan said. Mark smiled and nodded. 

He got up, a pain shooting up his spine. He let out a cry of pain.

"Oh, shit, forgot about that part-!" Mark said, quickly trying to comfort the smaller male. 

"I-I'm fine! I'll be fine! I'll get used to it," Ethan assured him. Mark looked at him concerned, but left him be. Ethan quickly got dressed. He headed to the door, and opened it. There stood Amy, Kathryn, and Tyler. 

"Hey, guys! What's going on?" Ethan said, smiling. 

"Hey! We were going out for breakfast and wanted to invite you and Mark!" Kathryn said happily. 

"Um, let me see if Mark is up. Why don't you all come in," Ethan said, standing to the side. The three stepping, and took a seat on the couch.

"If not, you can still come out with us. We can bring something back for him," Tyler said. Ethan nodded, then headed down the hall to Mark's room. He opened the door, to find Mark wasn't there. 

"Mark?" Ethan called through the room. There was no answer, however, he noticed the sheets that were previously on the bed had been replaced. Mark suddenly emerged from the hallway. 

"Hey, I was just putting the bedsheets to wash. Who was at the door?" he said wrapping his arms around the younger male. Ethan smiled. 

"Amy, Kathryn, and Tyler invited us to join them for breakfast. Didn't you see them in the living room?" he replied, leaning into Mark. 

"No, I did, I just wanted to hear you talk a little more," Mark said, laughing. Ethan rolled his eyes. 

"Get dressed, and let's go," he said, also laughing. Mark rolled his eyes, and pulled away.

"Fine," he said, heading towards his closet. Ethan smiled, shaking his head and returned to the living room. 

"He's getting dressed," he said to the others. They nodded, and made small conversation until Mark was done getting dressed. 

"Okay, so where are we going?" Mark asked, slinking his arm around Ethan's waist, causing Ethan's face to turn a light shade of red. Everyone's eyes visibly widened, but no one said anything about it. 

"We were thinking the café downtown," Amy answered. 

"Okay cool, lets go!" Mark said smiling. The three guests stood, and headed to the door, Mark and Ethan behind them.

"Ethan want to ride with me?" Amy asked. Ethan knew what that meant. He was going to be interrogated. Mark looked at him quizzically. Ethan smiled at him to assure him that it was fine. 

"Sure, I'll ride with you," he said. Ethan attempted to walk away, but Mark grabbed his hand, pulling him back towards him, and connecting their lips. Ethan kissed back. After a moment the two pulled away. 

"I'm not going to war, I'll see you in like 10 minutes!" Ethan laughed. Mark shrugged.

"I know, I know, but I love you," he said. Out of the corner of his eye, Ethan saw Amy's jaw drop, Kathryn had a hand over her mouth, and Tyler was smiling like a proud dad. 

"I love you too. I'll see you in a bit, okay?" Ethan smiled sweetly. Mark nodded, and gave him one more peck on the lips before pulling away, and heading towards Tyler and Kathryn, who were riding together. Ethan watched him for a moment before turning, and heading towards Amy, who was sitting in the driver seat of her car, smiling wildly. Ethan took a breath to prepare himself for the earful he was about to receive. 

"Okay, lets get it over with," he said, as he took his seat in the car. 

"How did it happen? When? Did you tell him last night? You were pretty smashed. Oh god, did you tell him while you were drunk? Did you have drunk sex? Was it-" Amy spoke at a rapid pace. 

"Amy! Relax! One question at a time!" Ethan said over her. She took a breath.

"Sorry, I'm just- I'm so happy for you two!" she said, excited.

"I can see that," Ethan laughed.

"Anyway! Start from the beginning! What did you do last night after the bar?" she asked.

"I honestly don't remember last night at all, but Mark told me that I told him I love him, then refused to go home until he dance with me. Then we went home, and I guess I asked to sleep in his bed, and insisted he join me. He said nothing happened, but a little bit of cuddling," Ethan explained. Amy smiled. 

"So what about when you woke up, I bet that was confusing," she laughed. Ethan sighed.

"Yeah, I was confused! When I woke up, I wasn't in my room! It was really confusing. Mark was asleep next to me, so I assumed we like fucked or something, but we were both clothed, so that didn't really make sense. Anyway, Mark woke up, and was like 'Hangover?' and my head was like 'No shit' but out loud I said, 'Yeah, did we do anything last night?' and he was like 'huh? Oh, no, no,' and explained what happened last night," Ethan continued to explain. 

"Oh, shit, so what did you say about last night? Because you said you told him that you loved him last night, right?" she said, intrigued. 

"Right, so I asked him 'you know that saying, a drunken heart speaks a sober mind?' and he started to talk, but I was like 'no, no, you don't have to say anything, but I love you,' and he was like 'you have no idea how long I've wanted to hear that,' and I turned to look at him, and he was like sitting up and was a lot closer than I thought he was, and we like, locked eyes, and he put his hand to my cheek, and god his hands are so warm! Anyway, he put his hand on my cheek, and we just... we kissed," Ethan rambled on. Amy smiled excitedly, like a toddler in a candy store. 

"That's so fucking cute! You are literally living a novel!" she giggled. He laughed with her. Just then, they pulled into a parking spot. The other car pulled in next to them. Everyone got out of the cars, and Mark was immediately next to Ethan, his arm around the smaller man's waist again. 

They walked down the street to the café. The group all headed to a corner booth, Mark and Ethan, obviously, seated next to each other. They all placed an order, and sat quietly for a moment. No one spoke, but it was pretty obvious that they all wanted to ask about the two men, and what happened. 

"Well, since no one else is going to say it, I think we all want to know what's going on here," Tyler said, gesturing to Mark's arm that was draped over Ethan's shoulders. Ethan and Mark looked at each other, then back to the group. 

"We fucked," Mark said. The group laughed. 

"Okay, but what actually happened?" Kathryn said between laughs. Mark and Ethan looked at each other once again. Ethan's face was a deep red. Mark had a devious smile plastered across his face. Ethan rolled his eyes. The two looked back to the group. The group stared back. 

"Wait you're serious?" Amy said. That was the one thing Ethan hadn't told Amy in the car, and didn't plan to, but he didn't really have a choice now, so he just simply nodded. 

"Is it really that shocking?" Ethan asked, looking away. 

"Yes! Yes it it! It took us almost a month to get you two together, I think I speak for all of us when I say none of us expected you to fuck on the first night!" Amy said.

"Technically it was the first morning-" Mark corrected. 

"Wait what?!" Tyler said. 

"Yeah, like seconds before you guys showed up," Mark said laughing. 

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